Thursday, April 14, 2016

L is for Lactose

It's just another A to Z blog post.

L is for Lactose.

My digestive system can't tolerate Lactose.  

And yet.....

And yet last night, starved, since I'm doing this feast/famine diet, where you eat under 500 calories one day and normally the next, I gave in to the urge for a grilled cheese sandwich.  The cheese tasted awful.  I should have stopped at that. I'd bought it at an overstock store, half pound for $.50, which might should have told me something could be wrong.

I'd finished the sandwich and ten minutes went by and I began to feel green around the gills.  So to speak.  I went to the sink.

And it all came up, rapidly.

Afterwards, I didn't want to eat anything.  Did stay under my 500 calories, that's for sure.

Today I can't eat really either, still feeling sick and tied in knots.

Moral of the story:  don't eat cheese when its $.50 for half a pound.   Real moral of story:  don't consume lactose when you're intolerant!

Did you know most cats have no ability to digest lactose?  Giving cats milk is not good for them at all.

I still think its strange human behavior to drink the breast milk of a cow.  I visualize adults under a cow trying to suck on a teat as she turns to stare at these strange creatures acting like calves.  I'm glad cows don't try to suck at our human teats, after our milk.

L is for Lactose.


  1. Ouch. It sounds as if that cheese should not have been sold. Cheaply or at all.
    Get better soon.

    1. I've had trouble with the overstock store food, not this particular store before, but two others. I've quit one altogether after getting ill a couple of times after purchasing fresh food there. Found out others have become ill from food there too.

  2. Oh, that sounds awful. I hope you're getting better. There are easy ways to keep under 500 calories. :)

    1. Got ideas? I've been doing bananas (105 for a 7" banana), apples (116 for a 3 1/4" banana), rice and oatmeal. Oh, carrots too. At 25 for a medium size carrot, I could eat 20 carrots a day.

  3. Anonymous8:04 PM

    A woman we dined with last night is lactose intolerant and when recently on a sea cruise, she would always ask if foods were lactose free and almost always such a question caused great consternation, especially if the staff person did not speak English well. I just poured myself a nice large glass of cold milk......lovely.

    1. I just take lactaid if going out to eat with people, so it won't matter.

  4. There are some great vegetables on my A to Z blog that will help keep calories low. On N day, the veg is a great choice!
    I am sorry about your experience. I often say, mom's milk is meant to take a baby from 6-8 lbs to 25 lbs in a year, cows milk is meant to take a 200lb calf to 1000lbs in a year...not for me.

  5. I am sorry that you felt bad after the grilled cheese. I hope you are feeling better now!!

  6. Ooh, I'm not too crazy about that last image. ~snicker~ I hope you feel better! I'm blessed to have no intolerance toward any food (so far) but a dear friend has taught me some healthier eating practices due to her gastric issues. Take care. I don't like the thought of you getting sick, so please reconsider this diet if it turns out to cause you health issues.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    Best wishes!

    1. Actually I was breaking the diet, when I fixed the grilled cheese sandwich. It was the cheese that caused me issues. It didn't even smell right. I should have dumped it. I sure did after that.

    2. It can be tough to afford food here, where I live. The overstock stores are an option but it can be kind of tricky because I've gotten sick a few times off overstock store fresh food, that may not be so fresh after all, or in some other manner compromised. We're supposed to get a Winco grocery store here, within a few months. They are affordable so I can't wait.

    3. But very soon berry season will be here, then I live off those pretty much for the summer. Strawberries come out first. There's a farm down the road a few miles I know well. An old lady used to own the property and I got all her cats fixed, but she had cancer. I knew her son who moved there to care for her. He badly wanted to farm the property but just couldn't get it together when she died, so he sold it to a family who turned it into a strawberry farm. The farm man fed the one remaining cat of Mrs. Olson, whom I'd gotten fixed, until the kitty died finally. So I have a connection to that piece of land that goes way back, involves cats, and now strawberries, my favorite berry of all. I can't wait for them to ripen!!!!


Some Appointments

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