Tuesday, April 12, 2016

J is for Jump

It's an A to Z blog post day.   I'm getting lazy about it.

J is for Jump!

Like rent Jumps, occurring in Portland, and all over Oregon actually.

This story made me cry.  It's about the rising rents in Portland.  A 66 year old woman is already working six days a week, but now her rent is going up over $300 a month.  And there's nowhere to go.  Link below!

An older woman works six days a week, to survive, but gets a rent increase notice.

But how about this video I entitled simply JUMP.  I made it several years ago, and many of the cats in the video are now long adopted.  I am impressed with the athletic jumping ability of cats.

Do you jump, jock or not, jitterbug maybe, or for joy?

J is for Jump!


  1. I remember my cats playing with their "da bird" toy in their youth. Fun times. I would not call you lazy, by any means. You're incredibly industrious.
    Awakening Dreams and Conquering Nightmares with a Pen
    I hope you are having a lovely day!

    1. Da Bird, is their absolutely favorite toy!

  2. Cute vid, cute cats.
    You're right. That is extremely sad about that poor woman. I hope she finds something more reasonable.

    1. It's quite hard in Portland to find anything reasonable. It is a very sad story and being repeated over and over now in Portland. the city has become so popular and so many well off people now move there, the landlords see dollar signs and the working poor and elderly only see misery.

  3. Here in CA-Sequoia NP area. Vacant homes are all vacation rentals. Now, Long term renters can't find vacancies, neighbors are tired of the every-weekend parties, Hotel owners are losing money because increased vacancies at hotels. County finally sent out Tax Notices to these Owner-Vacation rentals, they're required to collect an Hotel Tax from their guests. About time! Make these folks pay taxes, better them than us. PS Love the blog! I'm so impressed by your trapping stories, keep 'em up!

    1. I've heard of the vacation rental problem, for renters and cities. In Seaside, in Oregon, a measure that would have moved a high school out of the tsunami zone failed, largely because so many of the home owners there, own houses as second homes, and otherwise rent them out. They don't care about the safety of the high school. They just want their vacation playground and rental income.

  4. The rent increases are Just greed. Which there is far too much of about.
    I am always awed at cats jumping and amazed at how well they (mostly) Judge Just how much effort they need.

  5. It's always fun to watch cats play and jump.

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Funny where the toy is caught and the cat takes off with its prey.

    1. They yank it from my hand now and then.

  7. That's sad about that woman. My mom's mortgage just went up and she's on a fixed income so where is the extra money supposed to come from? Definitely too much greed in this world.

    Man those cats can jump! We play with a string with one of our cats and he never fails to crack us up.

    1. Oh no, I'm sorry about your mom. Another story tonight, about how many in POrtland, from singles to families are getting old motor homes to live in, and park along streets, unable to afford rent.

  8. How agile! Wish I could move like that....


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...