Saturday, April 30, 2016

Happy Cat Club April Stats

Here are the April stats for the Happy Cat Club.   The costs don't include food, litter and flea treatment for all the permanent fosters here or the food, gas involved in feeding the farm colony.   But I think we run a pretty tight ship, making the most of every penny in donations to help out cats.   10 of the cats helped were just flea treatment.  But I include even that.  Probably the volunteer hours are way short of what I really put in.  I get so busy and worn out sometimes, I forget to log them.

To all my beloved supporters, who help out HCC financially or provide emotional support and encouragement----THANK YOU!

Happy Cat Club Outside Assists for April 2016

Cats helped: 38
Cats fixed: 17 (13 M, 4 F)
People helped: 2 people plus 14 other individuals in a trailer park, plus entire park
Cats transferred: five kittens, one teen, to Heartland Humane from trailer park
Other: Lucy, elderly ill kitty from trailer park now here, recovering from long term starvation, illness and parasite infection (doing great, gaining weight fast)
Other: 2 permanent fosters taken for dental treatment and other care
Other: 20 flea treatments provided a couple caring for many fixed rescued cats)
Costs: $570.50
Volunteer Hours: 53 ½


  1. Another banner month. Glad to hear that Lucy is gaining weight. :)

  2. Wow! That's a record to be proud of! How fortunate those kitties are to have you helping them survive!

    1. I love doing it too, Sharon. The trailer park people are easy to be around, not you know, pretentious or anything, so it makes it easy up there. Relatively speaking.

  3. You make a huge difference in the world, thank you.

  4. Wow! You are amazing. And I'm so glad your heating/cooling system has been fixed. What a blessing, so well deserved. Best wishes on the neighborhood situation. I'm sorry we aren't in the same area, my friend. We'd be great neighbors, I'm sure!

  5. Those are some mind-boggling stats, Strayer! I am so Inspired by you.

    1. That's funny you say that because back in the day, when I had Poppa funds, these to me would be disappointing numbers, so nice to have an outside perspective!

  6. 38 cats helped...this makes me so happy :) you are wonderful!

    1. Thanks OE, from a fellow optimist!


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