Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Flowers Think it is Spring

The cherry tree is covered in blooms 
The trees think spring is here, but its still gloomy and raining.  The weather was supposed to break yesterday and be a nice sunny day. Didn't happen, just more rain.  Now the weather people say maybe next Wednesday will be nice. (sound of sobbing)

This leftover of Christmas is still out there, tied to the paper rack, not blown off and apart by winter winds, but forgotten.
I saw an article about the reservoir, where I row my raft, when it has water, that is.  I was really put off by the article, that gave all sorts of excuses why they don't know yet if the Reservoir will fill completely.  The real reason is they're not even trying to fill it, due to some fish study and won't, til later on.  So if it doesn't fill for the summer, if the spring rains aren't so heavy, with all the rain we've had, the only fault is theirs, for not starting to fill it earlier.   On the news also, was that if we don't get another drop of rain, in this rain year (October to October) we're already way over normal for the year.   If they wait to fill the reservoir and it doesn't fill, only fault is theirs.

I want to add, I FINALLY got that monster sliver out of my foot this morning.  Been wearing a sock nights, with an ace bandage wrapped around paper towels soaked in epson salts.  After weeks of hobbling, cursing and pain, IT'S OUT OF THERE!


  1. Yay for getting rid of the sliver (which sounded like a small log).
    Love your blossoms. And hope the reservoir does fill.

    1. Thanks EC. I was ecstatic when I finally was able to pull it out. Now the news is saying El Nino is leaving, so April will herald a drying period and so I do think about the reservoir and them not possibly starting to fill it early enough.

  2. Thank goodness, you got the "log" out of your foot. Beautiful flower pictures especially the cherry blossoms.

    1. You are not kidding, getting that spear point out of my foot was wonderful!

  3. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Very pretty blooms. Good news about your foot. Nothing worse.

    1. It was bad, with my foot, Andrew, being right on the ball, and a hard place to get to myself. But with mirrors just right, I got it.

  4. Beautiful flowers. Nicely photographed! I hope the reservoir fills and am very happy your foot is healing. Sorry it didn't come out sooner, but you did well. I am impressed by your endurance. I would have begged, borrowed, or stolen to get medical help. :) I'm squeamish.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....