Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Chat with the Cats

I got home after four hours of driving to do the cat pick up and delivery.  Because I missed a turn.  Two in fact.  

I was on auto pilot and instead of heading to Independence via Independence Rd. I auto piloted onto the north bound I5 on ramp, because I never ever take Independence road.  I realized my mistake before I joined the freeway but you can't exactly turn around.

So I figured I'd go on to Salem on the freeway, take Kuebler exit and then find the back way, by memory, to Independence.  Only I've only been that way once, years and years ago, and I almost died the time I did, because the brakes on that old Toyota failed on the way down that windy steep back road to Independence.  One caliper caught fire.

So, anyhow, this trip I found the first turn ok, but cruised past the turn off to the windy down hill back route.  So I stopped and asked someone on a bike.  I knew he would know the back roads and he did.  I turned around and made it to Independence,  to pick up some small kittens and their mom, then on with them to Wilsonville where a Portland rescuer waited for me to arrive.  But my drive was extended by over an hour, due to my mistakes.

My cats were outraged at my long absence.  I had not tended to their needs.

They were so needy and angry, that I became stubborn and retired to my driveway with my portable fire pit.  I built a fire.  Wet wood made that difficult.  Eventually it took off and I sat by the fire in my lawn chair and read by flashlight.

When I came in, my cats were outraged.  Really outraged.

I told them they could not in fact turn me in for abandonment because I'd merely been out in the driveway a few feet from them and that furthermore, I was thinking I might sleep in my car tonight.  I told them I plan to spend a lot more time in the driveway and perhaps I would even move to the driveway and that they need to think about that when they're tripping me in the kitchen, or clawing my face to wake me up for cat treats at 4:30 in the morning.  I felt very righteous and in control for once, telling them this.  Until they began to just walk off, even old Vision, ignoring me.  I stomped after them intending to make more points, but then I realized they just needed some cat treats and maybe a new toy too, so I went to the garage to craft them a new scratch pad.

I don't think that's pathetic.

 Is it?


  1. Shared patheticism (if that is a word).
    I have found myself attempting (and failing) to reason with the cats...

    1. Well, it is a word now! They think in an entirely different and advanced manner than I do, that's for sure.

  2. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Is it a case of what I do? I know that I I know the way already and just assume I will know where to turn etc. And then it all goes so horribly wrong.

    A dog may tilt its head as you lecture it, looking mystified and questioning. No such thing from cats.

    Our first cat was not what you call a lap cat. Tortoiseshell Millie did not seek affection. We put her in a cattery for a couple of weeks while we were away on holidays. Upon our return, she was vicious, pouncing out from behind somewhere and attacking our ankles. She was an adventurous cat and the second time she was hit by a car was the end of her. And then we came by Thomas, a huge black and white boy cat who was delight from the day he arrived to his devastating for us last old age moment.

    1. Wow, I typed that comment, complaining the reply button would not work, then it suddenly works. Awesome. Catteries, full of unknown cats and people, can sure change a cat. You will never know what went on in there. Thomas sounds wonderful.

  3. If that's pathetic, I'm right there with you. I talk to my unlistening cats all the time.

    1. I like to lecture them. I know they don't listen but I do it anyway.

  4. Just sounds like a little cat fight to me.

  5. I've never found a way to reason with cats :-)

    1. It should be researched. Staring them down is kind of fun. If you win.

  6. Reason with a cat? You've gotta be kidding me. Even if you think you've won they'll find a way to get even with you later.


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