Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tiny. Number 55

Tiny has the distinction of being cat number 55 I've gotten fixed from my yard since moving here.  That's a lot of cats.

I didn't even know he was out there til a few weeks ago.  Was arriving back home, just after dark and startled him in my yard.  I set the trap, but I caught the long hair Lynx Point I'd seen only twice before instead of Tiny.  I named him Linksee and he's a wild thing, neutered now though.

So I waited til the monsoons let up some before setting it again.  See I thought the black tux was this long last cat from a couple blocks away, went missing over a year ago.  But that black tux was neutered and short hair.   Tiny is HUGE, long hair, had no chip and was not neutered.

I first thought Tiny might be tame, but he acted maybe half tame, like once owned tame.   My guess is there may be an in heat female nearby.

Because I swore I saw a short hair black tux come up the driveway, the other night.  He stopped as he saw me, and I looked away and when I looked back, he had vanished.

I'll just turn Tiny loose again, and he is welcome to eat here anytime.  No problemo big boy.  I can't have unfixed males coming through.  They create mayhem with my cats.  So Tiny is fixed now and welcome, should he get hungry.

Cat number 55.  The numbers tell the story of this area and the uncared for cat populations here.

Tiny.  He loves food and lots of it.  Maybe the worming will help.  He had a high flea population, now dead, too.


  1. Beautiful kitty... You'd go crazy here... we see some cats, but mostly dogs. Most males don't look like they've been neutered... and we see a fair amount of females that have obviously had puppies recently. We saw a sign in a nearby town that said "Free Sterilization"... of course I had to make a joke to Bill... he pointed out the gato and perro on the sign ;-). Just sayin'....

    1. I would go nuts there. I remember way back when I went to Mexico on spring break, the dogs broke my heart, skin and bones, one of them, could barely stand it. Free fixes, eh and you couldn't talk Bill into taking the plunge? Not even for a case of Dos Equis? I know what fixing the boys does for the cat world, besides reducing overpopulation and the spread of diseases. It quiets it down. No more fence yowl offs and marking tires. Maybe I've been around cats too long, but when I hear these world leaders puffing up to one another, all I can think about is two unfixed male cats facing off and I think I know how to fix that. Give Peace a Chance. Neuter world leaders! (or everyone)

  2. Tiny will be MUCH, MUCH better off. Thank you.

    1. Tiny will be a great man now! No more following his hormones, fighting, breeding. Now, he can sit a spell, kick back, read books and solve world problems. Or just lay out in the lawn chair and drink beer.

  3. 55 just around your house! That's a lot. I think Tiny may take up residence with you now that he's fixed. :)

    1. Over half of those got rehomed. Of the others, I see only three, routinely. I haven't seen Linksee again, but he may be coming to eat still. As for Tiny, we shall see. My guess is he'll be back.

  4. Wow. What a HUGE number of cats! Good thing you're their guardian angel, Strayer!

    1. Except, there are only 3 I see now and then. As I mentioned under another commenter, I rehomed way over half of those. 99% were males roaming through when looking for love, which makes me think the two recent new unfixed males I caught are after a nearby in heat female. Then there is the colony that formed a couple blocks away, from cats left behind by tenants of a complex. They end up over here, where I at least get them fixed. They are fed down there though, and, someone told me, at the end of my street too, by a couple. The latest two, I believe, are part of that colony.

  5. What a number! I'm stunned. It's a testimony to you and, sadly, how responsible other people can be. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I hope you are feeling well and not in any real pain.

    1. Thanks Darla. Shoulder all better now. However, yesterday morning, I slipped carrying a glass, caught myself with the hand with the glass, it broke, cut my palm, but its not bad, a mere flesh wound, so to speak.



 The cold should be gone soon, replaced by rain.  On Wednesday I believe. I don't watch the news much.   We're going through big cha...