Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy Cat Club Summary of Help Provided

My nonprofit, The Happy Cat Club, has been federally recognized since May of this year.  We've taken advantage of that and done quite a lot, I think, for a brand new nonprofit.

Learning the ropes has been a process.

In June of 2015, here's what THCC accomplished:

18 Cats Fixed
10 cats assisted into rescue or shelter and off the streets (see below)
Jake, a big male unwanted in an Albany trailer park, held here for a week post neuter, then transported to Odd Cat Out, where he later "came out" as tame.
1 black male kitten from a trailer park trapped and taken to KATA.
8 Albany kittens transported to Animal Rescue and Care Fund

In July of 2015:

14 Cats Fixed
2 Cats received dental care, rabies shots, worming, flea treatment, nail trims, ear cleaning

August of 2015:

3 cats received dental care, rabies shots, worming, flea treatment, nail trims, ear cleaning
3 Albany cats flea treated and transported to a Portland rescue

September of 2015

16 cats fixed
2 cats received dental care, rabies shots, worming, flea treatment, nail trims, ear cleaning
2 assists totaling over $650 in cat food, litter and gas cards to local fosters for KATA
17 cats and kittens were taken out of harms way to other rescues and shelters (see below)
  Dandy, an Albany male in severe crisis over a facial wound infection, went to CATS and is now doing well and awaiting a home.
 12 tiny kittens were picked up at the Homeless shelter farm and transported to PAWS in West Linn.  4 teen cats abandoned in Foster were taken to a Portland rescue.

October of 2015

So far in October, which isn't done yet, but almost....

4 Cats fixed
8 cats/kittens trapped in a parking lot and transported to Dallas, Oregon
$60 in food assist to the Homeless shelter farm cats
$135 food/litter assist to the Dallas woman who took on the 8 Circle K parking lot kittens and cat.

This is besides attempting to care for all the cats here, in permanent foster, keeping them up on flea treatment, food and in the litter.  This costs about $300 per month.

We could use donations, any sort of donation, from food and litter to good old cold cash, to keep this up.   And THANK YOU to all those who have helped out.  We appreciate it!!!!!   (meaning the cats and I)

Here are the other groups who helped this happen:  Heartland Humane Society, who fixed four of the cats and euthanized one male in terrible shape trapped in Lebanon.  The Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon, a cat fixing machine and very very good at what they do, willing to fix cats for whatever a person can afford.  They're spot on!  KATA (Kitty Angel Team Adoption) who took in a kitten I trapped at a trailer park.  They have taken in hundreds of kittens and cats in dire straits this summer alone.  PAWS (Pet Adoption West Side) in West Linn, who took in 12 bottle babes from the Homeless Shelter farm.  You try bottle feeding 12 tiny kittens at once.  I couldn't do it!  ARCF (Animal Rescue and Care Fund) of Portland.  I love this group.  They have taken in lots of cats from down here and if they can't find them homes, they get them to another rescue or shelter who quickly does!  Odd Cat Out Sanctuary in Sherwood.  They took in Jake when no one else would and gave him a chance! CATS (Cat Alliance Team Sanctuary) also in Sherwood.  They took in Dandy who needed extensive medical help.  I had no money to help him.  I'm glad they gave him a chance. And Feral Cat Awareness Team in Dallas, a one woman show, without many resources except she has a HUGE heart and a dream and a work ethic you wouldn't believe.  She took in the 7 wild kittens and wildish abandoned mom (who, I'm told, will come around) from the Circle K parking lot when I didn't know what to do with them, but couldn't leave kittens living by a dumpster.

There are lots of people who are on facebook all the time, begging others to save this or that cat or kitten, but who never donate or do anything at all.   Then there are the action heroes who jump in and actually do something or donate to those who can.  I urge all of you to get off your chair and do a little something other than to complain, or cry over all the homeless animals or to ask others to do it all.  Everyone can do a little something.

I understand well, I can't do any of this without the people who donate.  I work for the cats and for you.  How do you like that?  You and the cats are my bosses!  Ha!

And may the cats be with you.


  1. Impressive! Most impressive. :)

  2. Well done.
    You do more than 'a little something'.

  3. You are doing great work.

  4. That's the most transparent list of "where your donation dollars went' that I have ever seen! If only the Red Cross could do as good a job as you. With that list in my mind, I'll make a donation. Thanks for being part of the solution!

    1. Thank you! And I got receipt of your donation! We appreciate it!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....