Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Break for the Foreclosed Upon Colony Cats

I went down to feed the cats at the house where tenants fed the colony I trapped to be fixed 3 years ago.  That house is now bank owned.  The man who used to own it lived in a house of his own, across the parking lot from the rental.  It's going to be foreclosed on soon too.

I saw a light in its windows, however.  So over I went to see what I could find out.  But I didn't get there before a guy comes out holding a glass.  That glass is filled with cat food.  "Ah ha!"

I talk to him at length.  He's really nice and has been feeding the cats.  He used to live in the rental house, until the foreclosure happened, then he moved into the landlords house.  It's going to go to the bank too, but he said it might be four months, or even more and he'll feed the cats til that happens.  So there's this reprieve time.  Yahoo, I was thinking.

He says, "You're talking to a stranger in a dark parking lot, I could be a psycho slasher."  I said "I think psycho slashers carry knives and machetes, not cat food in a cup."

So I gave him a bag of cat food, because the scene last night was different---hungry cats swarming the parking lot.  Not getting enough.  He says he'll give them more.  I said "call me if you need cat food, because I can get that at least."

He's going to call me too should he hear when his eviction is coming, due to the impending foreclosure.  He thinks it will be a few months.  

There were homeless people living in the garage for awhile, the same garage where I netted kittens. The landlord let them live there.  But the guy's now in jail over meth use and the woman is gone.  I asked their names, because he said the woman had a soft heart for cats and had been feeding them.  He told me the guys' name and that was enough for me to know the woman's name.  Small world.

I first met Mike and Vicki over in Camp Boondoggle when the City of Albany asked me, when I still lived in that Corvallis shack, to remove the cats when Albany bought the property from Millersburg.  So I did, all three dozen of them.  Some of them were cared for by Mike and Vicki who lived homeless in the camps.  Then they moved over to an apartment and I ended up in Albany living not far from them and helped them with more cats, including Poppy, born under their apartment building, who is still here.  Then they got evicted and were homeless again.

So I am not surprised Vicki was feeding those cats when she and Mike were allowed by the landlord to live in his garage, until Mike was getting in fights or something and doing meth and got arrested and it all fell apart for them there.

The tenant man pets most of the cats, even Momma Two Legs, whom he claims is over 15 years old.  Time for that old girl to get off the streets, I told him and urged him to take her in.  But he has a dominant female cat he rescued who does not like other cats and he can't take in another.  I said I'd find her somewhere.  And I will.

But it is good news there is some time for them.  Maybe the bank won't take that house after all.  You never know.  Things change, right?   I hope the bank doesn't take it, and that nice guy can stay there and feed the cats and all will be ok again.  I can hope.

If not, I've got two great offers of barn homes for them.  It'll be ok, one way or the other.


  1. How nice to hear that the cats have a reprieve. And that it isn't (for a change) all up to you.

    1. I'm happy! I hate relocating cats because it's so darn hard on them. Far better to let them be where there are if its possible. So I'm so glad its possible and I can dream the dream that it will be the bank that wants to take the house who will end up in bankruptcy, and it will never happen and the cats can live out their lives. I should write fairy tales!

    2. And you play the part of the fairy god mother in the fairy tale. :)

    3. Yes. The one with the magic wand!

  2. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Yes, cats are not so fond of change. Let's hope the bloke can stay there for a good time yet.

  3. I love stories with happy endings (even ones that may be temporary)

  4. What stories you share! Thank you for your kind heart and strong efforts to make this world a better place. Best wishes on a good outcome one way or another.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....