Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Another Assist

A woman called this morning, left a message, because no longer does my phone ring.  Or buzz.  Or chirp.  Or make any sounds.  I have to notice on the phone if someone called.   Aw well.

So, I called her back.  She lives in sleazeville, a shoddy group of apartments known for tenants who don't treat animals well and often leave them behind when they move.

I've helped her before.  She tries hard to help the left behinds, sick and injured, on a very small pension.

She said she'd been feeding a stray, left behind by tenants, but now he was very very ill, with a swollen face and she didn't even know if he would live. She'd taken him inside, into her bathroom.  She tried to find somewhere to have him  euthanized for nothing, but couldn't.  She said she thought she'd have to find a way to put him out of his misery herself.  She'd already called she said about twenty rescues and shelters trying to find help for him.  So she called me.  I went and got him.

But first I reached out to any shelter who might be able to take him.  Heartland said they would, bless them.  But so did a Portland rescue/shelter, CATS, and there, he'd be taken first to a vet. So I chose that place, since he is so sick (or injured) loaded a carrier in the car and went and picked up the cat.

It was not a six month old, as she had claimed.  She can't tell cat age well.  It's an adult male, maybe 2 to 3 years old and yes, he's in sad shape. His left eye  is swollen shut and the side of his face puffed out like half a baseball.  It was bloody and icky.  He had back of ear scratch wounds, like he must have severe ear mites, too.  I just headed straight up to Portland with him, to their vet clinic, and he's there now.  Bless CATS for helping him.

The Happy Cat Club gave a $20 donation on his bill.  Plus the gas up and back.  This was a $45 needed assist, to a kitty who got in trouble, because he was left behind and never neutered.  Let's hope he makes it.

Very ill male Dandy, just before he went to the vet.


  1. Abscess? I hope he does make it, but at least he won't have to suffer anymore. Thank you.

    1. Yes, and likely from fighting, since he's an unfixed male (I think but didn't look). Hopefully his eye is just fine behind the mass of infection. Hopefully.

    2. And either way, yes, no more suffering.

  2. Poor baby. I am glad he is in good hands now. What type of phone do you need? I have some extras or I will make a donation toward a new one.

    1. Ok, I feel totally dumb, but I did not know about the mute switch but I found it last night. Apparently my phone has been accidentally muted for months. I just enjoyed the silence. I do feel dumb.

    2. Don't feel dumb! We all have our specialties and you are amazing with living beings. I could not deal with some of the people you handle, let alone the animal suffering. Congratulations for giving this dear cat some hope or at least peace and solving the phone mystery.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....