Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sunflower Forest

I plant sunflowers each spring.  I like them.  They're beautiful and the bees love them.  Makes me happy to see them alive in bees.

I used seeds I saved from last years flowers for this year.

I cut the heads off once the seeds form and either hang them from the stalk for the birds out back or dry them to save for seeds or to eat myself.  I wedge the flower heads full of seeds into branches of the Butterfly bush for the birds.  They strip them of seeds within a few days.

Some of the animal figures that didn't sell at the flea market I re purposed into yard decor.

Sunflower heads hanging in a net to dry beside some of my drying laundry.

I dry most of my laundry now in the garage.  May as well save some bucks with the hot weather.
I remember the poignant movie "Everything is Illuminated".  I enjoyed the movie very much and also loved the scenes that included endless acres of sunflowers.


  1. Love your sunflowers.
    I should put some in this year.
    I prefer to line dry clothes. They smell better if they can dry in the sun. And, as you say, it is cheaper. Win, win.

    1. I can't line dry outside, as the birds like to use the clothesline for a gabbing spot and then poop on my clothes.

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sunflowers are surely the cheeriest flower in the world.

    1. That's why I like them, Andrew.

  3. Your sunflowers are lovely. They are growing in a planted mass in Kununurra WA...

    1. I keep traveling with you, via google maps, WA and am astounded at your country and its many varied landscapes.

  4. I love sunflowers also. Unfortunately, none of them came up this year that I planted. I suspect a bird found them before they had a chance to sprout. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

    1. That happened with my bush beans. I planted twice but each time, the bean seeds were taken by something, likely the birds. I put some cut out hard plastic netting now over the seeds once planted til they sprout, to deter birds.

  5. Love it. My wife and I both adore Sunflowers. We've tried to plant them a couple of times now but concluded that the birds keep eating them the moment they sprout. :/

    1. They make me happy, Robert, just looking at them. I hope you can get some going. I'm not much of a green thumb, so the fact they grow here, I'm lucky.

  6. What delightful photographs! The sunny color made me grin.

    1. A zillion bees can't be wrong!



Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...