Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Oh Brother


Trailer parks.

I find out a neighbor of the old woman I'm helping with the cats at the trailer park lost her own cat and is posting online that some lady is trapping cats there and isn't returning them, but dumping them out somewhere.  She implies also that she and the neighbors know what probably happened to her cat (that I trapped and dumped it).  I'd never in a million zillion years do such a thing.

She knows better because I told her son what I was doing and he even helpfully pointed out what cats were owned, including theirs.  So I knew the cat who is allegedly missing.   Her boyfriend also knows very well that I was trapping, fixing and returning the cats.  We talked about it.

To make public claims like this about me and what I've been doing out there  makes me very angry. It's just so wrong.

Also it makes me depressed.  To put so much time, effort and money into helping make that park better, for the likes of people who then lie about me?  I need to get real, smash my traps and recycle the metal for cash and leave this area for good.  LOL.  Been a hard week with the washer fiasco, the heat, the last trip to Portland with trailer park cats.

Feels like shit.  I don't feel so well anyhow after over doing it in the sun yesterday and doing more work today and woman handling those two washers to move one out and one in.  My back is killing me and so is my stomach.  I can bend, but if I bend, I can't bend back up.

Bad timing to find out someone at the trailer park is lying about me like that.

Will I finish out there, catch the rest?   Not sure.  I sure don't have to.  I think I'm going to have a discussion with the owner.


  1. Hiss and spit.
    Drama queens make life difficult for every one.
    I am so sorry that it had to happen to you.
    It sounds like the perfect time to hunker down and look after you for a while. Please.

    1. I am, but...you know how it is, a struggle to survive, financially and being alone all the time. So it's a fine line to walk. The shock of this will wear off quickly. I just found out before I wrote the post and was in the grip of it.

    2. I appreciate you hissing and spitting in defense, EC. Makes me feel better! Thanks!

  2. It is times like these that I think a decent zombie apocalypse would be awesome for the world. :)

    I don't participate in many online groups anymore because 99% of them contain toxic people. I do however read some of the local groups, and the only thing one can do is laugh because if you don't laugh you'll cry.

    I am so tempted at the moment to post an Allowed VS Aloud on the local groups, though I will resist the temptation as I know it won't end well. So many people post "delete if not aloud". If I were the admin I would delete them and send them a private message "Well, it wasn't *aloud" for me when I read it, so I deleted it. You are *allowed* to repost it using the correct word".

    I agree with Elephants Child - you've been doing such amazing work for these kitties, maybe it is time to move along elsewhere.

    Alternatively, you could try talking to the lady, show her your photos, show her your blog, and educate her on what you are really doing. I find sometimes if I take the time to explain my actions to someone, it ends up being incredibly worthwhile. I shouldn't have to explain, of course I shouldn't, but the fact is people sometimes need to hear my side of it.

    1. She knows I've returned them and was probably upset her cat is missing and wanting to blame someone. I am going to take the old woman a photo compilation of the cats caught and fixed, to show anyone and everyone who asks. It will include their sexes, date of fix, the whole thing. I'm big on just letting records do the talking, because communication among humans is so bad that it only complicates things. Online communications are even worse and I am going to remove myself from most groups, for my own mental health. I just want to have some enjoyment while summer is still here! I think "get away for even one night" out in the woods, as long as those woods aren't on fire. We're having a very dry hot summer here.

  3. Oh dear, such are some people trying to make mischief.
    You look after yourself..

    1. I don't know why people do such things. The park is getting better, because all the cats are getting fixed. Why mess with that? Seems foolish.

  4. Grrr... It's people like that who make me want to crawl into a hole and leave so-called society behind. I was concerned about you moving washing machines and am sorry to learn you are in pain. Take care!

    1. Thanks Darla, I got over that feeling of betrayal quickly last night. As for the washer ,I'm so glad I have one and I don't have anyone to help here, so it had to be done. I tried to use my dolly, to get it up the steps from the garage into the house, but I didn't have the strength left to pull it up the steps at the extreme angle and at a lesser angle, the thing would flop backwards if I wasn't holding onto it with one hand. So in a fit of do or die, I had to manually move it in. I'll heal. You do what you have to do.

    2. (I'm getting straps for the dolly so next time, this won't be an issue.)


Too Busy

  Prissy, from Quartzville Road.  She loves to play and wants to be a house kitty. I have an inspection of this place in a couple days.   I ...