Thursday, October 23, 2014

Look at Them Now

Remember when I followed a lactating feral mom, over in Corvallis, to a deck, and then coaxed her three two week old kittens to where I could pull them out  from under the deck, while laying flat out on it, with my arm extended under it?  Then used the healthiest two the next day to trap their mom?  Remember that?

The kittens were under this deck.  I used a mirror and flashlight to locate them.

Little black boy, two weeks old, and the first one out from under the deck.  He had a severe URI and was crawling in fleas and so skinny.
There were two blacks, one girl, one boy, both with such severe URI's they were mouth breathing and the boy could not bottle eat due to his severe congestion.  I didn't think they would all live. 
By contrast, the little Siamese girl, although crawling in fleas, seemed like mom's favorite and far healthier.

Mom refused to nurse them, so she got fixed and returned.  Which meant---bottle babes and I am getting too old to bottle babe it.  So a KATA volunteer offered and took them off.  Well, take a look at them now.....
That's her, the little Siamese girl, now, on the right, after being with a KATA volunteer who bottle fed the trio for a couple of months.  Her name is Yasmin and she's about to go up for adoption.
This is Tammy, the little black under deck girl.

And Tommy, the little boy.  Can you believe it?  They made it!  Now they just need good homes.

Thanks so much to KATA and bottle baber Karen, who fostered the three and now takes on the task of finding them homes.  I sure hope the people who feed that colony turn responsible citizen and get any others not yet fixed done, as they could easily do, since they have traps and nothing but time.  

1 comment:

  1. thank you KATA & Karen!! what a job & they look so happy & healthy. & jody on the rescue :)



 Most of us Americans cannot do any higher prices.    Stop with the tariff wars please!  What have we suddenly got against Canada?     Canad...