Saturday, April 05, 2014

The Cat Wheel To Be

By Monday, my cats will be fawning over me in gratitude.

Why?  Well because I took the time and the effort to build them a cat wheel, that's why.

All right.  Fantasy over.

The cats will ignore the wheel for two or three days.  They always do that, ignore something I've made for them for several days, to squash my enthusiasm, stomp my ego, destroy my sense of accomplishment and crumble any pride.  It's something cats do.

Some time ago, I saw a craigslist ad.  Lumber for sale, cheap.  This got me steamy excited.

Off I went and purchased a sheet of 3/4 inch FUP.   The lumber people cut it in half so I could stuff it in the back of my tiny little car.

Didn't take me long to cut out an octagon shape from the 4'x4' piece.  Later on, I found out how bad I am at measuring, in the dark, plywood balanced on old buckets upside down, or an empty carrier or trap, in a the darkness of the garage, without my glasses or even a decent straight edge.   From the other half sheet, I cut out treads to screw onto the outside edges of the octagon.

Yesterday, I got a wheel mount.   Tomorrow I'll bolt it's bearing bracket onto the back center of the cat wheel, remove the little wheel from the wheel mount and use its bracket to mount the cat wheel to its own stand.  Then I'll give the thing a spin, then set it up for the ungrateful cats to ignore until one of them pretends to discover it.  One by one they'll try it out.  I'll stand back, cracking up as they try hard to give out no credit where credit's due.

Front of the cat wheel.  The cats will run in there.  Circular ones are harder to make and involve tools and clamps I don't have, to bend and hold.

Back side of the cat wheel.  I'll paint it tomorrow and attach it to a simple stand.

Wheel Mount to bolt onto center back.  It is rated to hold 225 lbs.  Hope it will spin this thing.  I'll remove the little wheel and use the bracket that held it to mount the cat wheel to its stand.

Spring has come to the valley.  We've had a few nice days but mostly rain and gloom and gray.

Meesa in the Window with Roses

Rosy, one of the Lebanon colony cats, peeks out from behind a cinder block.

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