Sunday, November 17, 2013

Garage Cat Cage Elaborates

Of course I can't keep from adding on to the garage cat cage, Catlandia.

The cats don't mind as I come in to attach this or that, but watch me incredulous and curious and with a cats' skepticism.

I want them comfy as they wait for homes.

I made another shelf today of an old cabinet front and junk wood, some still the OSB  from the Millersburg burned out house.

Cabinet door shelf with side attachments so bedding won't fall off. Nothing fancy.

Junk wood shelf supports.

And it's up, in the cage, with some bedding added.
Cage from outside the wire side.

Carrier stack beds.
The old desk turned cat habitat from outside the cage.

Shelf cats Storm, Thunder and Mona Lisa, from outside the cage.  They don't bother to hide from me anymore.
I want them to have a fun place while they wait.  I go in with my folding chair too, to spend time talking to them.  I read to them.  Today I finished up Farewell to Arms in the cat cage.  I couldn't put it down at the end.  It's not a bad Hemingway.  I can't now make his lead characters into anybody other than him anymore.  There are common themes to some of his books (that mirror his life)---an American fighting for a foreign nation in a war, drinking, fishing, and often love, of sorts, too.

Farewell To Arms wasn't bad though, far better than most of the books I've read recently, but not as good as For Whom the Bell Tolls.  The cats listened intently, dozed, yawned, scratched themselves and sometimes appeared bored as I read.  I lost track of where I was, as the plot became more exciting as the end neared.  I closed the book at its end, angry at the ending, left hanging unsatisfied and empty.  Only then did I realize I was in the cat cage and the cats wanted food and I better get busy.  So I got busy.

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Prissy from Quartzville road is very happy here.  After the three I had in my bathroom escaped it she instantly made herself at home.  Tickl...