Friday, August 17, 2012

Three Hole Cat Outhouse

 I got another plastic deck storage box to convert to a litter box hider.  It's not as nice as the bench seat I got before, that hides two litter boxes.  That's only because of it's awkward size and unlevel top, unconducive to cat napping.

I will attach some no slide material then bedding will stay remain affixed on its top.

I cut three holes with a jigsaw, dump a box of baking soda in the bottom, line the bottom with plastic and put three litter boxes inside.

One day, all litter boxes in my place will be hidden like this.  I will play around with the deck storage boxes.  I am going to paint this one.  The color is just too ugly and lifeless for me.

I have not given up on my non absorbable litter litter box, with urine catch tank beneath.  I got too busy this summer to continue it.  Then I had trouble yesterday finding the little dollar store drain I bought.  The uneven bottom of the storage container I have to use as a prototype has been biggest issue in failure to move on the project.  In order for urine to drain, I have to put a drain hole in.  The inside bottom of that storage container has a one inch perimeter lower than the middle.  This necessitates rigging a smaller drain and cheap parts for that small a drain or strainer, that fit the one inch demand of the storage container bottom perimeter, aren't that easy to find, so I'll rig something.  I found a cheap oil collection tank, with spout to collect the urine.  Since the top of that is caved, sloped on all sides to a hole, I really don't need a connecting tube.  However I want one, not only to hold the tank in place but to keep any smell down.  This is a prototype however, and I just want to get it into use, see how it works, smells.  I can't wait.  Will probably have it operational by end of today.

I absolutely adore this house.  I love it to pieces.  Thank you, my brother, for renting it to me and allowing me to do anything I want here.  Sure, I get terribly lonely, but I live in the greatest house I could ever dream of renting.   I adore every aspect of this house and yard.  My cats just love it.  Living in this town has been hard on me, since I've not made close friends, but in many other ways, it's a gift to live here.  The cats in this area, and their caretakers, badly needed help.  This has been hard on me, but somebody needed to be here to do it.  I guess it was fate, or the cat gods decreed it should be.  I have to accept and make the best of it and I could not have a better house to live in, that I could possibly imagine.

After I was beaten by staff at that hospital and dumped out two nights before Christmas in the ice and snowstorm, I was terribly traumatized mentally also, besides the physical injury.  I refused to go back to county mental health, since they had not reported the abuse I endured, when I reported it to them, and were part of the bigger problem of state mental health system complete failure, drugging people up, slapping diagnoses on them, and stuffing people into low income hotels, and smiling broadly how great an outcome that was for that person.  Complete utter bullshit.

I went to a few sessions with a private psychologist.  He He told me he thought I was normal and treated me like I was normal.  I'd never experienced such a thing.  He gave me a poem that has helped me ever since.  The basic premise of the poem is "go where the river takes you".  The river of life brought me here.

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