This morning I had just delivered two more Lebanon males to Heartland Humane, where they will be fixed today, when my cell phone rings. It's the Lebanon Big Boys colony man, excited because he just netted, yes, netted, the last big wild boy, who is massive.
I tried to picture it and then smiled. "Hold on," I said, "I am just leaving Heartland. Let me go back in and ask if they can fix him today too." So, still connected, I pulled back into Heartland's parking lot and ran inside. Courtney said "Sure, go get him."
I met the man at the usual cat exchange--the Shell station on highway 34 near I5.
He apologized for having the big wild black tux in a large carrier. "No problem," I said.
"Thank you for helping us and tell the doctor thank you also."
"I will," I said.
The last of the Big Boys, Wild Man, is being fixed today. They have the stray female and her newborns contained. Another colony, another situation "fixed". Everybody's happy with the outcome---the cats, the neighbors and the cat caretakers. Unfortunately, Wild Boy turned out to be FIV positive, but it was a faint positive. After explaining all about FIV to the caretaker and the liklihood anyone who could be infected out there already is infected, he elected to take him back. The sad thing is the stray female, who just gave birth to four kittens, was likely impregnated only by this FIV positive male since we'd already fixed every other male up there. This is very rural and remote. She will have to be tested, as will her kittens. Wild Boy, below!
This week, 16 Lebanon cats have been fixed along with two Albany cats and two Corvallis cats. Their photos are below, except for Lebanon FIV positive male Wild Boy, shown above, and the Albany stray female, fixed today, whose photo I didn't get.
African, pregnant black Lebanon female fixed last Tuesday at S/nipped.
Angel, young Lebanon female also fixed last Tuesday at the S/nipped clinic.
Jasper, Lebanon male fixed last Tuesday at S/nipped.
Lucky, Brown Tabby Lebanon male fixed last Tuesday at S/nipped. Lucky, Jasper, Angel and African all came from one Lebanon household. The other seven Lebanon cats fixed last Tuesday all came from one house. I found out about them through a Corvallis violin repair woman, who had gone over to see puppies these folks were advertising and noticed unfixed cats. Besides the cats they also had three dogs, one with puppies. At least the cats are now all fixed--three girls and four boys, photos below.
Siamese Lebanon male fixed last Tuesday at S/nipped.
Second Siamese male, Zhu Zhu, fixed last Tuesday, was a crypt orchid, with one non descended testicle. Black female fixed last Tuesday at S/nipped.
The second black female from this location, also spayed last Tuesday at S/nipped.
Big DMH brown tabby male fixed last Tuesday at S/nipped, from Lebanon.
And another big Maine Coon looking brown tabby male, from same location, fixed last Tuesday.
The third female from the same Lebanon house hold, fixed last Tuesday.

The two brown tabby boys below were fixed yesterday at the Portland FCCO clinic. A Lebanon woman had been feeding a couple of strays and the number had turned into six, over the last month. She decided she needed to act, and caught the first two. However, by the time I returned these two last night, she had two more tame males, from friends, in carriers, for me to haul off to be fixed today. And they are now over at Heartland being fixed.

Lebanon male Samson fixed today.

Lebanon male Mr. Bean, fixed today.

The newly minted cat wrangler (four Lebanon males rounded up so far) has a goose in the house. Her husband showed off their gosling when I returned the two boys fixed today, to Lebanon.

Albany stray male fixed today.

Corvallis area calico fixed today, thanks to Poppa Inc.

And her sister, a torti, was also fixed today. I did not get a photo of the stray Albany female fixed today as she was still in surgery when I picked up the three boys and the woman who took her in pregnant delivered her to be spayed. She's trying to find her a home. The kitty had three kittens but none lived.
Twenty in all. Thank you Poppa Inc.!
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