Saturday, October 09, 2010

The two tortis

Slurpy, from Save the Kittens colony outside Lebanon.
Starry, one of the N. Albany swamp kittens.

Both are super friendly and outstanding. However Slurpy is, well, slurpy, with chronic herpes, like all the kittens from that group of 18.

Most who survived have been adopted out now. Four remain without homes: Slurpy, her sister, her cousin and the white calico, a second cousin. Poppa's presidents daughter, who fostered three of them, decided to keep two herself. Out of 11 or was it 12 I took to Poppas president, one died, two were adopted by her daughter, three remain without homes waiting (all three ultra friendly like Slurpy) and the rest got homes.

Of the 8 I had, the bottle babe died, just hours after I found those three, laying in water screaming. The other seven went to Heartland, under a no kill order. Three were returned to me not that long after they went because they had become ill and were otherwise to be euthanized. For months I tried to find out what happened to the other four who ended up at Heartland. I got about ten different stories told to me and finally concluded they had also become ill and euthanzied, otherwise, there would not have been such confusion over where they were and I would not have been told so many conflicting stories. I have guilt over the whole thing and for those four lives who trusted me. Two of those lost four included the Q Tip boys, the title of a video I made of those two playing with Q tips hours before I took them to Heartland.

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