Every four or five months, I check over every cat here, clean their ears, trim their nails, roundworm them, check their teeth, that sort of thing. It can be slow, but it's also fun. If the cat is feral, I hold them in my fishing net to accomplish the same tasks, which makes it simple. After I'm done with the ear checking and cleaning, nail trimming etc., they get held and petting and baby talked to.
Vision, my very very elderly former river cat from Corvallis, especially likes this time.
So far today, I've done Calamity, the muted torti from Lyons street; Jade, the young mother who had kittens in the dirty corner of a Millersburg garage, Shaulin, the Abyssinian from the Bengal mans' place, Panda and Solomon, a brother and sister from Lebanon, Tugs, the torti from the Lebanon Shovel Killer Christian Neighbor colony, Poppy, the torti from 34th street, and old ancient Vision, from my river cat family along the Willamette.
I have quite a number to go, but not today, for another day. All looked good on close inspection, even very very old Vision.

Vision, one of my own cats, from Corvallis. She is an ancient river cat.

Shaulin, from the Albany Bengal man. I got two dozen cats fixed for him and took out three kittens with bulging roundworm stomachs. The two boys got homes. Shaulin is still here.

Poppy, from 34th street. She was one of four kittens, all girls, born under an apartment complex over there, to a tame abandoned mother. I found her mother, Itabi, a home, in Salem, got the other three sisters, who were more feral, spayed and returned them. Since then, I've gotten about 15 other cats fixed at the same complex.

Jade, the young mother from Millersburg. I got 16 cats fixed for those people, who didn't Care much about them really, and were happy if one was hit on the road, which was common. When they called that one had kittens, I took them all, knowing they would not care for them there, or even notice if they died. I could not bring myself to return Jade to such a place, after her kittens were weaned, fixed and got homes. She's delightful and funny.

Solomon, formerly of Lebanon. I was asked by Safehaven to catch and fix cats fed by a relative of one of the Safehaven employees. Well, there were supposed to be four and I trapped 15, including four kittens who could not even raise their heads they were so matted. I kept them. Safehaven was supposed to help place them. They didn't. Scooter finally went to a barn home with a manx boy from west Corvallis. Scooby died suddenly of grand mal seizures and the vet believed she had been shot and there was a pellet or bullet in or near her spine at the base of her head. Some of the other cats from that location had pellet or bullet holes through their ears. Solomon and Panda, two of those four kittens, remain here.

Panda, Solomon's sister, and formerly of Lebanon.

Calamity, from Lyons street here in Albany. Calamity is one of four kittens born to an abandoned mother, whom I got fixed. One kitten was killed, the other two got homes after being fixed and Calamity is still here. I've gotten 8 other cats fixed at same location.

Tugs is one of 12 cats I removed from a Lebanon situation. An old woman fed strays, but was hounded by area residents who hated cats. She finally wrote a letter to the Corvallis Gazette Times asking for assistance and the paper editor forwarded it to me and asked if I could do something. A neighbor, big Christian who played in a church band, had wanted to kill the cats with a shovel, hence the colony name. All got homes of the 12 except Tugs, her sister, Mums and Matilda.
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