Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ikea Delivers!

Ikea left me a message last night. They had received a letter concerning my complaint about the useless bed frame and the lack of customer service response, I believe from the OR Department of Justice, since that is where I submitted the complaint, after I could not get ahold of Ikea, except for computer generated customer service, to find out what I could do.

They are going to refund $75 of the $99 I paid for it. That is because I said I would rather keep the wood and use it for alternative purposes like cat runs, than make the awkward trip clear up to Portland with long boards that barely fit in my car, to return the frame components for a full refund.

This is a satisfactory resolution and I am very happy about it. I was thrilled.

The Oregon Department of Justice rocks. And I'm pretty happy with Ikea right now, too.

Also, click post title to check out a Junction City family farm. Family farms are getting more and more interest. I just read today in the Oregonian of a new website, I think. Don't quote me on that site. The website matches up would be farmers with farmers who have land to rent out. There are lots of people who want to farm, but do not have land. It's a great service. Anyhow, I was reading on the Junction City family farm blog, that they even did experiments on no soy fed chickens. Soy is thought to alter or add hormones. Soy isn't the wonderful thing some might think. Only fermented soy is really very healthy.


  1. Yay for the refund! That's amazing!

  2. Anonymous12:20 AM

    thanks to the dept. of Justice. Just so you know, I sent them an email a while back concerning what you had been put through, too. They actually replied a lot of bshit about it to me, to which I replied back that they were basically a lot of bshit. And that eventually they would get sued for consumer fraud.

  3. You did that Jeanne? That was awfully nice of you.

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    thank you - I didn't want to say anything until I actually heard from them, and when I did it was such bs that i re-contacted them about it. I really believe they are quilty of consumer fraud overall - when you look at their ads it totally appears you get a whole complete bed frame with slats, etc. for whatever price its advertised for. its on other pages or later in small print that you find you have to get the bed in parts, peicemeal, to complete it. that sucks.

  5. It does suck. I only went and got it there, after going there with my brother on New Years Day. He thinks it's a great store and wanted to show it to me, knowing I needed both a bed frame and a couch at that time.

    I picked out that one I wanted, the twin over full bunk, which was $150, and began saving my money. I would not have realized, probably even with that one, the purchase would have required later piecemeal purchases of everything that held up both mattresses. Anyhow, going up there to get that frame in March, after saving three months, was a big huge deal to me. My sister in law had told me when I had said, after my brother and I got home, I probably should just make one instead, that it probably would cost me more in the long wrong and be hard on me, with my spinal cord and shoulder issues. She encouraged me to save and get something new for myself for a change.

    It would have been far cheaper for me to make a frame to begin with, as I have now found out. I had to buy some lumber, like the sheet of 1/8" plywood, and a few more 2x4"s. It was cheap. $12 for the plywood. I was going to get 1/4" but it was over twice as much. I figured with enough cross supports the 1/8" would work find. I got the wood at Lowe's because they will make all the cuts you want for free. Home Depot charges after the first cut. I also took apart a wood table I'd built to use that wood on it, too.

    I never actually got a human generated reply even by e-mail from Ikea customer service. I had the instruction sheet out for a few weeks, angry every time I looked at it, and then, as if Sam was acting out my anger or sticking up for me, he peed on it. When I came home and saw that, I laughed, threw it out and thats' when I decided to let it all go, and build one myself.

    So the phone message left Friday, I was really really happy. I am sad that it took a letter from the Department of Justice for them to ever even respond to me, but I'll take what I can get and I always want to believe things will be better for other people as far as their customer service there, or whatever. As you might guess, I won't be shopping Ikea again.


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