Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Moon.

I rented New Moon, of the Twilight series. I thought maybe this one would not be as much of a yawner as the first. But I had trouble, just like with the first one, staying awake through it.

They are beautifully filmed but depressing to the core and, I must say, boring. The gorgeous natural settings carefully camouflage the reality beneath the beauty, of a world inhabited by darkness.

I think the films portray excellently the angst and turmoil of youth, who are, in the age of change and independence, preyed upon, innocence and optimism butchered. Such a confusing monstrous world it is. In the end, one must make allegiances to one monster or the other.


  1. READ THE BOOKS-so much better!!


  2. "Such a confusing monstrous world it is. In the end, one must make allegiances to one monster or the other."

    So... it's exactly like real life then? All that's missing is the pointlessness and meaninglessness of it all. :)

  3. No, that was in it, too.

  4. I don't need a lot of meaning in life. I suppose I'm shallow that way. Much more prone to get what I need for the day or the week. Like connection and when I get a fix of it, I'm all happy and warm. If I was more a long term looker, I'd probably be desperately depressed. But I've never had that luxury, to think about the future, always scrambling to survive the day. I'm always surprised I'm still alive, like when I have a birthday. I think that's a good thing. At least for me.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....