Sunday, March 28, 2010

Crusty Gets His Home

Crusty went to a new home today, with someone who fell in love with him online and wanted to help him. She had already shown his photo to her own vet, in Lincoln City, who will be doing his needed eye surgery immediately.

Thank you, Carla, and allergic hubby, for giving Crusty a very beloved home. And for getting his eye surgery done. What a relief it will be for him. These folks are real animal lovers.

Carla has promised to send photos, once his surgery is done, so I'll keep you posted here, on Crusty's progress!

I am so happy to at last find a cat a home. I mean a house cat home. The three homeless camp ferals are placed now, too, so that's good. That's four cats out of my spare bedroom, with one to go, the lovable Blingo. He needs a new name. In the end, he bugged Crusty too much, so much so that Crusty began growling at him, which did make Blingo relent some. But Crusty began avoiding Blingo. To pet Crusty, I had to put Blingo in the cage and close the door, which visibly hurt his feelings. I felt so terribly, I immediately took him out and carried him around. Man is he ever good at the guilt thing.

So I don't feel bad at all about seperating the boys because of Blingo bugging Crusty to death and hogging all the attention. Blingo is going to be happy anywhere with anyone who will love him like he wants loved. He is an extraordinary cat full of character and quirks.


  1. That's wonderful news! I'm super happy for Crusty. :) :)

  2. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Wonderful wonderful - okay, a new name for blingo...what about the one I suggested earlier for Crusty? Or just Bingo! Who doesn't love bingo??? Or marshmellow since he looks like a big fat marshmallow....

  3. yeah crusty!! i hope bling can find a home soon.

  4. Bling is quite the character and a SEVERE attention whore!


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....