Monday, December 21, 2009

Looking for the Lost

My friend up outside Salem adopted out a stray to a Salem woman. This woman let the cat out the very next day and has not seen him since. It's killing my friend. I know how that goes, how much it hurts. So I went up this evening and we searched for a long time.

Everybody we talked to was nice, when handing out the dozens upon dozens of fliers she and her husband made. With one exception. The woman who had adopted the cat and immediately lost him would not even answer the door. She saw it was my friend and would not open the door, just talked out a window and acted like even this was a huge output of unnecessary effort on her part. It was sad!

My friend is very very worried about the poor lost cat. I know the feeling well. She says she will never do it again, never never never and I can only empathize. How many times have I said that, wanted to quit finding homes for cats. People suck most of the time.

How could that woman be so stupid as to let a cat out she's had a day? I don't know. But she never told my friend she was a dog breeder either and had 10 or 12 or more dogs. My friend is beating herself up. But she talked to the woman, talked her vet, did almost everything she could except she didn't deliver and she is upset with herself for not doing so.

I hope we can find the poor boy. I hope for him and for my friend whose heart is broken.


  1. Oh I am so so so so so sorry:( Oh I am sorry! What an AWFUL PERSON! I don't imagine he could have gone too far. Stinky canned food has worked for me several times. Is she even putting out canned food? Most of the time in situations such as this the cat is actually within 20 yards or so. I don NOT understand people and this is why I don't rescue anymore, my heart can't take it anymore.

  2. I'm sure the cat is nearby. A neighbor man however has two dogs he just lets out to run. They ran up to my car, pawed and clawed at the tires, stood on back legs to look in the car, scratching the side, then when I walked up, they were growling at me, jumping at me, and the man did absolutely nothing to stop that behavior. I could not believe it.

    That was right next door to the woman who lost the cat, which would make it hard for the cat to come back down the sidewalk in the evening. The dogs would chase him off. So would her own 13 dogs, if they were outside at the time he ambled back. She claimed to have put food out for him. We saw no bowls. When I pointed that out, she said her dogs must have eaten the food. I would guess by that she meant she just threw dry food out but not in a bowl or anything. A woman down the street is going to put out food. I put out food in a field by an apartment complex.


Day Over

 Night before last, I was a restless sleeper, up and down.  This happens sometimes when I have an early rise alarm set and cats in the garag...