Monday, November 23, 2009

Push to the Finish. Let's Get Those Nebraska Cats Fixed!!!! Gosh Darn it.

Frustration! That's the word to describe my efforts trying to find help for a Nebraska family who took on caring for a neighbor mans' ten unfixed cats after he died. There's no help to be had in Nebraska!

The one feral group I found in Omaha never answered her, nor me. The Hildreth help seeker tried calling Alley Cat Allies, too. She's donated to them for years. No reply.

Finally, a new start up Grand Island nonprofit without really much money at all, began helping her, but only had funds so far to get two fixed. TWO! 8 to go. I am soliciting donations to help a Nebraska woman with health care bills and a finanical crisis going who nonetheless is taking care of a dead neighbors cats.

Come on Oregon! And all places elsewhere represented in readership! Let's show Nebraska some love. I'm going to donate.

Here is the address for Heartland Spay Neuter Fund: P.O. Box 5663; Grand Island; Nebraska. 68802. Anything, any tiny bit you might be able to spare, is helpful. Specifiy it is for fixing Joy's Hildreth cats!!!!! THANK YOU. Click the post title to go their website.

If you donate, let me know. Curiosity.

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