Saturday, June 20, 2009

More and More Cats......

The sisters who now own Gabriel, the white partially blind deaf female, mother of Gabby and Napoleon, the two kittens saved from under the building next to the SS office, report the coworker of the SS woman who also was highly involved in saving White Girl Mom, and the two kittens, will adopt both kittens together next week! They say it's a great home for them. They have vastly enjoyed the company of the kittens. White Girl Mom, now named Gabriel, will remain with them as an indoor only kitty for the rest of her lucky days.

A friend of theirs has declared her desire to foster Bad Black Mom's kids, from here and will take four of them and raise them until they are 8 weeks, at which time they will return here, be fixed, and go up for adoption. I have named three of the four: Linus is the black and white boy, Lucy is the fuzzy intelligent exploring girl and Bear is the black boy. The precocious highly developed intelligent tabby girl I haven't named yet. I call her No Name. At three and a half weeks, she is already eating on her own.

I have them separated from mom and the sick tabby kitten, who is still barely hanging on. I give her sub cu fluids and supplemental feed, including a mixture of goats' milk,(she is highly lactose intolerant and KMR contains a lot of cow milk products, including whey protein and skim milk), brewers yeast, active bacteria culture and antibiotics. I put Bad Black Mom into a rabbit hutch with Sick Kitten to force Bad Black Mom to nurse her little girl and she is, although she is unhappy with me for hutching her.

Bad Black Mom was fixed Thursday and tested negative for FIV/Felk. She was wormed, too, and her bizarre foot looked at. That turned out to be an abscess from a bite wound (old) that was drained.

The couple who will foster the four kittens are feeding an unfixed stray, which I plan to trap Tuesday. The sisters are also feeding an unfixed stray I will try to trap then also.

Someone called from Lyons street and wanted me to take five adults and three feral kittens in right now. They claimed to have called the county who said they do nothing about cats. They called SafeHaven who also said they could not help. I told them I can't take in the cats, but that they need to be fixed. "They're not my cats," she said. "We don't want them roaming in the neighborhood. I thought you'd come take them." Someone had told her I would. I said, "They're not mine either." I said, "I get calls like this every single day. I live on almost no income. Nobody in this county donates or helps or fixes their own cats or even stands up to problem neighbors with other neighbors to demand they be responsible and fix their cats. This is not something one person run ragged and broke can solve. Get involved."

She wasn't sure about getting involved, repeating "they aren't my cats" the usual anthem I hear. So they want little people to go out and take care of it, without donating a dime, or thinking about what they ask little unfunded people to do for them and their neighbors. It's really an isolationist selfish mentality, in so many ways.

If the county is going to do nothing and animal control is going to do nothing, then people like me should be paid and funded. It's a big fat joke to this county and the cities of this county, to try to push it all onto a handful of volunteers. The commissioners and council people probably smirk about it.

Are we ever thanked or given volunteer recognition? Hell no. That's for the well to do visible acceptable volunteer crowd in the city and county. Not for the likes of us cat fixers. SafeHaven gets tons of publicity and most of the donations, and we cat fixers get all the calls for help. What a racket!

I was talking to KATA about it today. They took in several cats to be fixed, "owned" by some wouldn't-dream-of-working tattooed up smoking shirtless demanding Sweet Home jerk. Two females could not be fixed due to high fevers. They were sick. So Vicki takes them back, and the man is mad, insinuates they made them sick, wants KATA to take them, pay for antibiotics, and is just being a selfish demanding whining little toddler.

Vicki did tell him off, told him she works six days a week and these are their cats and they should have gotten them fixed in the first place and how dare he be pissed at them. It's what they put up with, what I put up with, what those Lebanon trapper fixers put up with and it isn't right.

To top it off, the woman of the pair says, "We're going to keep that one kitten," and points out a sick snot nosed little gray tux. KATA had finally told them when they got the foster room, they'd take the one females' kittens. Vicki said "You know, if you're going to have cats, you need to take care of them. That kitten is sick. Are you going to take care of it?"

There should be laws about spay/neuter. Laws happen when people cause problems with their behavior in certain areas. Like not fixing their cats and letting them free roam. It isn't a freedom, to cause everyone pain, suffering and expense because they don't choose to fix their cats. That isn't a right.

That's how laws happen, when assholes act like assholes until eventually the problems they cause become huge and laws ensue. Then everyone is shocked that suddenly it's the law and write editorials about needless laws and infringements on freedom. It's all a pile of whiney shit.

This morning I was awakened early with a call from some people who live over on 34th street. They used to live in homeless camp Boondoggle and that's where I met them. They had a bunch of unfixed cats there, that I took in. Then at the complex they had a bunch. I think I got a total of about 16 fixed there, rehoming many, Poppy is one of them still here. They call every now and then, saying they can't afford cat food to please bring some over. I have in the past, but no more. This time I was fed up and told them I couldn't.

I suggested, and maybe it was mean, that they both quit smoking for two days. They could then take that money and buy a premium 20 lb. bag of the best cat food available. Or, alternatively, they could both stop drinking for four days and do the same.


  1. instead of noname, why not call that one Pippi as I suggested? could be short for pipsqueak, or like Pippi longstocking lol....Of course, you may need that name for little lactose intolerant kitty....I'm not surprised that baby is hanging on - you are giving her a reason to keep going right now. did you ask the neuterscooter vet about her? I think its great you have someone to foster the other four kitties - that will help you a lot, i know.

  2. I forgot. Pippi it is! The sickly tabby girl might survive now. So I also need a name for her. She looks just like Pippa, only more like a holocaust kitten at this point.

  3. OMG, a Holocaust kitten! Good Gawd - those starvation kids looked that way for sure!

    We just had a memorial for the victims of the SS St. Louis, a boat carrying Jewish people feeling Germany in WW2. No one would accept them - and most of them died in concentration camps. I am not sure what I would have done, probably jumped overboard and swam to shore and sought sanctuary somewhere. These I shd note were people who PAID their way too. Many would have brought great skills to North America!

    I think I would prefer Pippi but if you are thinking of th Holocaust, I would call her Zippy after a friend of mine in Israel whose parents were one of the first to marry in the new country in 1948.

    Here is an article about the SS St. Louis. They should have stayed in Hfx but some anti semitic idiot in the civil service said no Jews were welcome. It is like No Irish Need Apply - and people wonder why I am a socialist, lol


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...