Saturday, May 16, 2009


My knee has been hurting very badly. I think it might be a ligament problem. Had a hard time sleeping due to the pain.

I wake up and some jerk off has been leaving comments about spay neuter, doesn't believe in it, but of course is too cowardly to have an account with their name. It's probably one of those religious freaks who think every egg a human female is born with, in both ovaries, must be fertilized.

He or she thinks cats should breed at will, people too I guess. Overpopulation isn't just a problem of cats. Human overpopulation is the cause of most major problems on earth. We don't see ourselves as animals, is one problem. While people oft complain about this or that animal overpopulation issue, they don't see human overpopulation at all along the same lines. Guess we're special.

Wildlife officials are now controlling koala bear populations in Australia with laced feed that is supposed to inhibit reproduction. Same with water fowl even here where I live. They lace feed with something that is supposed to control reproduction capacity. Otherwise I suppose the duck shit filled ponds would be even more filled with duck shit.

Reproduction is part of life. Overpopulation produces death en mass with carry over consequences to other species. The end result of overpopulation is usually new viruses, disease spread, starvation, habitat destruction and parasitic infestations. Our own human overpopulation problems result in these same effects.

What is normal, for our world? This person who left multiple comments believes it is not natural to spay and neuter. But cats are not natural anyhow. They were domesticated from a wild species by the Egyptians who worshipped cats. More people took it from there and began breeding cats primarily for looks. Natural selection had very little to do with producing the cats we have today.

Nor do the humans of today. Social programs produce a sort of reverse natural selection. Those most unable to survive on their own not only survive but are often the most prolific breeders.

But those most able to survive are often vicious predators, who if not held in check some way, would produce the means to destroy everything and everyone. So I have no idea what to call normal anymore.

A letter someone wrote to the editor, when Corvallis was debating whether a young cougar should live or die, got me to thinking more about this: what is normal. He described humans as the most violent of all species, a vicious predator not only keeping animals to be lined up and killed, for convenience, so we do not have to expend the energy to hunt them, but also killing off one another in terrible vicious wars.

I suppose it's true, when you think about it, and probably we're just a dominant parasitic master predator who cannot satisfy our blood thirst merely by killing to eat and so turn our violence against one another.

We hide our fangs well, do we not, even from ourselves?

I have no delusions that I am making any real difference in this world. I keep a teensy area of this planet as free of suffering cats as I can, because I like cats and I don't like to see them out there suffering. Do I believe this is cruel? To spay and neuter cats? Of course not. When a cat or human is fixed, they don't miss those reproductive organs. I don't. Oh, that's anthropomorphic thinking, you might say. Yeah, dumbshits, it is. I am projecting my human thoughts to animals. My thought on that...I am an animal too, so anthropomorphic is a word devised by some human who felt they were special, not an animal, something else.

The little starving feral hasn't come out of anesthesia even yet, at noon. I called the vet but they are closing. She needs sub cu fluids but try doing that to a feral alone, with a bum knee so painful I can't bend it now.

The old lady keeps calling. She's found two more kittens, about seven or eight weeks, wants me to take them. Then she calls wants to know how to keep one of her four unfixed males from humping the just fixed females. I said "Take her inside." But she won't, doesn't want them inside. I said, "Well maybe he'll give up." There isn't anything I can do. I am a mess. I am exhausted and my knee is killing me and I have a ton of normal work to do, cleaning litterboxes, laundry etc.


  1. I'm so sorry about your knee. My shoulder did it to me again last night, so we were probably up together, though separately.

  2. Thanks Snow. I hope your shoulder gets better over time. My knee issue, I don't know what happened. This is a knee that never bothered me and suddenly all this terrrible stuff with it, must have injured it (i.e. not chronic). Anyhow, hope it gets better. Until it does, I'm grounded. Makes me cranky. More so than usual, that is.

  3. nunya business, why don't you mind your own business. You're an ass, trying to control other people. Go do something decent.

  4. How can you miss something that doesn't "do" anything for you? Unlike our teeth, for example, which we need to eat with, or our ears, to hear with - our reproductive organs aren't hanging out sending out vibes to get pregnant or anything. they are just there. I think we do project our own thinking on animals - esp. people who think a cat wants to "father" children - all an unfixed male cat wants is to hump a female. period. He's not thinking about his bloodline or heritage or anything like that...


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...