Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big O

Big O is recuperating from the testicle location expedition that went on in his insides yesterday. He has already eaten and is even hissing at me by now. I've wormed and defleaed the big boy. I'll take him back later in the day.

I'm going to return him to the driveway of a very cat friendly tenant of that trailer park, although I know Big O already visits the open feed there and knows of the kind man's trailer. He should do much better now that he is REALLY neutered.

He isn't one I took in, so at one point he must have been owned and his owner took him in, although the vet only did a one testicle neuter.

I get a little stressed under suddenly imposed deadlines, like the one of yesterday morning, to go through a lot of records and sort out all the cats fixed through Poppa funds within Albany city limits in a certain time span. But by golly I got it done promptly while dealing with the Heatherdale woman calling me and recalling me about the male in the trap on her porch. I found a map of Albany, showing the city limits on the city's website, so I could tell easily who was an Albany cat and who wasn't. On some edges of town, the line is fuzzy and even residents sometimes aren't sure if they're in or out.

I feel better this morning already. For some reason, Poppa getting reimbursed for Albany cat fixes clear back to November, makes me feel legitimate or something here. I don't know, makes me feel good.

1 comment:

  1. wow that is sooo good - it probably means your job is saved for at least the next couple of months!! where are they getting money from now by the way?


Kittens Galore

 I went to return two of the three I took to the clinic yesterday.   The third, Drake, the tame already fixed male, the workers at the Villa...