Monday, April 20, 2009

Who Dumped This Mom Cat and her Kittens on a Rural Road?

A rural Linn County family, who live off Peoria Road, took a walk one day in March. The weather had been lousy in recent days, rain, then even some snow. They couldn't decide which way to walk and finally decided to walk east.

This was fateful. A half mile or more down a side road, they saw a cardboard box. Since people often dump their trash along remote rural roads, they figured it was more trash. Upon closer inspection, however, they saw a bag of soggy cat food broken open beside the box. And inside? A young mom nursing newborn kittens they believed to be about two weeks old. They immediately used a cell phone to call their daughter to bring the car.

This family doesn't have much money. They have big hearts and a strong sense of right and wrong. They had already taken responsibility for nine kittens and an adult found along a road the year before, spill overs from a neighbor who refuses to fix her cats.

The last thing this struggling family needed were five more cats. But they never even stopped to ponder and took them all home.

I want to find the asshole who dumped the mother and kittens. There was a colorful blankee in the bottom of the box, like whomever dumped them was so delusional and guilt ridden that she put the blankee in the bottom of the box, like that would make everything all right.

I heard from the family yesterday. The mom is being fixed today. However, when I went back and met the four kittens, I noticed they have ringworm. Now this poor family must deal with and treat ringworm. No good deed goes unpunished.

The asshole who dumped these cats should be the one paying the price of fixing the cats, vaccinating them, and treating them for ringworm. The asshole who did this needs to pay up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I guess the dumpers figure a bright blanket and bag of dry cat food is enough to ease their conscience...thank god for families like the one who found this mom and kittens - I think, I'd l;ike to think, that God nudged them that way, in order to find this little fur famnily. that brave young cat mom - nursing and nurturing her kittens, probably somehow knowing the odds were against them - think of the relief she must have felt to be found by this loving family. isn't always the case - those who have the least, do the most ???


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