Saturday, April 18, 2009

Two Cats Fixed Yesterday

The cat I saw near Christmas at the rest area. This is the only one of three cats there, at that time, I never caught. Occasionally, I still leave out food, but the cat is now north of the rest area, and possibly attached to a barn nearby.
Lebanon female fixed yesterday.
Lebanon male, fixed yesterday.

A male and a female, pregnant, from Lebanon were fixed yesterday and that was it for yesterdays' tally.

Here's an interesting event from yesterday, besides the young couple going door to door, claiming to want people to sign up for their houses to be painted, then running into that young man in Lebanon. I've still been putting food, off and on, at the rest area, for the tabby on white I saw when searching for Sophie, the lost Siamese, there, around Christmas.

Yesterday, I saw the cat again. I hadn't seen the cat since the rest area flooded right after the first of the year, which moved Sophie out of the woods, which were completely flooded, and north of the rest area.

The tabby on white was north of the rest area when I saw it yesterday, too. Way north, almost to Talbot Road, hunting in the grass along the freeway. I turned around at the rest area, went north on the freeway to the Talbot Road exit, took it, crossed the freeway and went down the spur road south of the southbound I5 onramp, to get a closer look. There is a barn along that spur road, and I saw at least two other cats slip into that barn. The tabby on white was a few hundred feet south of that barn, but my guess is the cat originates from there.

I was supposed to have Cami, Spirit and Cosi at their barn home by 10:00. Then, last minute, the woman e-mailed and said they were going to Portland and could I make it 2:00. So it won't be until later I take them out. They're all in my spare bedroom now and not happy about it. It was hell to get them out of the cat run. I realize I need to modify that somewhat, to make it easier to get cats out of it. I ended up falling off a ladder in the garage trying to get them out of the cat run into either the house or garage room. That's probably how I did in my knee. I thought I just hit my elbow, however.

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