Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spirit, Cosi and Cami Leave for Barn Home


The three feral girls went to a very splendid barn home today. They are: Spirit, who was abandoned at Scravel Hill Cemetery the day before Halloween last fall, with her two kittens; Cami, who somehow ended up living in the triangles of grass between the on and off ramps of Highway 34 and 993, plus Cosi, who was trapped by someone in Corvallis who took her to Heartland, where her life would have ended, except she had an eartip. Heartland called me and I retrieved her.

The barn is a great one, splendid I'd call it and they should be very happy there, once they get over the initial fear and worry, over losing all things familiar.

Good luck, girls.


  1. you do such wonderful things Jody. You save so many lives--amazing! Thank you.

  2. yeah!! that's great the home came through!! i had a busy week of training for the new job. but i think soon i'll have more time for the computer during the day :)

  3. Thanks to both of you. HB, glad you got a job. I hope you like it! Yes, this was a great home and I'm glad I didn't pass it off to other cats. Cami, Cosi and Spirit should be very happy there. It took me over an hour to drive to it, and another hour back, so haven't been back long. I did at least get each of them Profender, so they'd have a month of protection from round and tapeworms and updated their flea treatment. Anyhow, back to the cleaning grind, but with three less to clean up after.

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Happy for them and for you, too. How many cats are you down to now, Jody, that aren't yours? (I still think Sam is a keeper!) Have you thought of making a utube video of feather? I bet she'd be adorable on camera!


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