Thursday, April 30, 2009

Three Cats Being Fixed Today

I often stop by the Pink House colony and give the cats food. I did so again this morning. They are looking good, all fixed and happy. Former enemies, like the outcaste last male fixed, sleep happily now with all the rest in a pile, in a dog house converted to a cat house outside on the porch, past tiffs forgiven. I still have one Pink House cat in my bathroom, the female with the extreme drooping conjunctivitis. She is slowly getting over her ailment. Has taken a lot of work and expense, but she's beginning to recover.
Rock Hill Silver Persian mix, being spayed today.
Gray tabby tux female, from Albany business, being spayed today.
Unknown sex gray tabby, from Albany business, being fixed today.
The Albany gray tabby again.

I don't think the Scio man showed up at the vet with the two cats he said he would be there with. He hadn't by the time I left the vet clinic, at 8:45. He had called here, telling me he was the man who was caring for most of the cats owned by an Albany woman. I got most of them fixed. Her landlord had told her she had to move out or move out most of the cats. She had 14. But, I guess she had a few more than 14. This man, a friend of hers, let her keep most of the cats at his property. He even set up a camp trailer they could go in and out of, for shelter. Turns out two were not fixed and so I arranged for him to take them in this morning, then accidentally deleted his phone number. I hope he made it up to the vet clinic with those cats. He does not live that far from the clinic.

The other three I took in to be fixed are two from the Albany business, who have had cats roam into their warehouse and outside of it. So far, one worker has trapped two and rescued a litter of kittens. There is a gray tabby tux female, who was literally starving, and wolfed three cans of food once here, yesterday, during the day, while in the trap in my garage. This morning, he met me with a medium hair gray tabby. Both are being fixed today.

The third cat up being fixed is from the Rock Hill group, a Persian mix young female. She is cat number 11 fixed from that situation. There is still a lactating mother and her three kittens who need fixed there.


  1. Ever see the Gary Larson cartoon of the dog happily being driven away to be, as he thought, "tutored"?

  2. how are those three kittens doing?: My heart was breaking for them and their mother...


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...