Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Love This Guys' Columns

Steve Duin's Oregonian column caught my attention when the Goldschmidt crime spree of child molesting broke into public view. I believed then and still believe our present governor knew all about what Goldschmidt was doing when he was doing it, i.e. molesting a kid. I believe he kept his mouth shut so he could ride Goldscmidts wave as far as it would take him.

Steve Duin tells it like it is. He wrote an amazing column when the Goldschmidt story broke and remains a thorn in our governor's side.

Duin is now championing those kids the state of Virginia stole from an Oregon foster parent who just happened to be their sister and whom I also just happen to know. Steph did some cat rescue while in the Corvallis area. At the same time, Mr. Duin is trying to kick the governor into gear, into acting like a leader.

Losing battle, Mr. Duin. I've seen abused kittens exhibit more balls, courage and heart than our governor is currently.

If an abused kid, like Steph, can leave home at 13, come to Oregon, and straighten her life out and do decent things, why can't our prestigious governor at the very least get those kids back from Virginia, and protect other Oregon kids in state foster care? I mean, come on. I don't think Steph even has a high school diploma.

In other words, our governor is playing the violin while the state's economy burns and while children are being snatched from Oregon by another state's DHS workers so they can be in foster care closer to their abusive parents back in Virginia.

What a wonderful world.

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January Moldy

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