Friday, April 03, 2009

God Gave Me a Pickup

God gave me a pickup. At least I think he must have. The pickup suddenly appeared along the street out beside my place two days ago, and hasn't moved since. Nobody knows where it came from, or whose it might be.

I think God gave me a pickup! Yay for that, eh? It's just sitting there, doesn't seem attached to anybody around here. Must have fallen from the sky for me. Yeah! Love it when that happens. Actually, this is the first time, but yeah! Love it!


  1. Here's out you tell whether God gave it to you. You look to see if the key is in the ignition. If the key is in the ignition, it's from God. If the key is not in the ignition, and the door is unlocked, look around to find whether the key is under the floor mat, stuck down in the seat, or some other place. If it is, then you will know that Satan put that truck there to tempt you.

    ...No, wait, it's the other way around. In the ignition, Satan (because Satan always makes sin easy). If it's down in the seat, God (because God always makes you work for stuff).

    On the other hand, if the door is locked, or the door is unlocked, but you can't find the key; the it's more than likely that neither God nor Satan had anything to do with the truck being there.

  2. Now I'm confused Snowbrush. Let's just make it simple. I'm pretty sure I had a dream. It's fuzzy now, but I am fairly sure in that dream I heard a voice say "Good and faithful servant........" then some mumbling. I think the mumbling was describing the gift of the pickup I was about to get. I remember a thunder and lightning storm in the dream, sort of. I equate that with the horrendous backfiring and engine noises I might have heard before that pickup appeared at the curb. All sure signs from God. He's testing me. It's locked and there's no key. I have to have faith. I have to bust the window and hotwire it. God's will for me must be done!!!! He gave me a pickup and by golly I have the faith to accept it.


    Turns out it's a neighbors pickup who is "storing it" in front of my bedroom window. He claims it will be gone MOnday. If it isn't, the police say they can make it disappear. Lots of magic going on.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....