Saturday, April 11, 2009

Black Pink House Female Recovering in my Bathroom

The sweet little black female, from the Pink House colony, is recovering in my bathroom. I like to give the females a couple of days or more, if I can, rather than release them to outside living, especially if it's wet and cold out.

This female isn't hurting for chow. She has good body weight and is very friendly. I believe the Pink House woman's boarders, mostly Mexicans who speak little or no English, give these cats some attention or they would have turned feral. She doesn't allow them inside the house but there have only been a couple I would term even semi-feral, so they are getting attention somewhere.

This black female might even be termed fat. Sure, she had worms. I paid to have Profender applied. Profender is the new back of neck wormer, that gets tape and roundworms. It wasn't me who actually paid. Kay, from New York, thank you, some of that donation helped out this kitty.

I also applied Advantage and will treat her ears. She has earmites but not as bad as the brown tabby male kittens from the Pink House colony did. I also their ears. First I clean them out, because I was told no external earmite treatment really works, unless the ears are clean first. Then I mixed a few drops of ivermectin into some olive oil and worked it into their ears. It's a messy thing, cleaning out earmite ears. But some cats become so impacted with earmite fecal material that mixes into ear wax, that the crap imbeds against the eardrum and they can no longer hear.

I will also give her a three way vaccine. I gave most of the others at least one vaccine. I gave the two young boys two, boosting the first, after coaxing them close with food, a few weeks after they'd been fixed, right there in the shadow of the Pink House. I don't know why I do these things. Certainly not for the Pink House lady, who loves to believe she's using me. She's not. I am helping the cats she has long neglected and I don't give a crap if she thinks she's successfully scamming me into this or not.

I had trouble getting to sleep last night. I kept waking, thinking I must have heard breaking glass. Then I'd scan the neighborhood cars for the theives who hit last week, maybe coming back, phone at the ready, 911 eager on my fingertips, plus a camera to take the shitholes photos if I could. The whole area is itching to catch those crappers in the act and back them into a corner. A real tight corner.

I just read there was a woman killed on Oakville North, had been driving eratically on HIghway 34. I think she was drunk. I don't know that for sure yet. It hasn't come out that she was. Just sounds like she was. Slammed into two other cars on Oakville. She was the only one killed.

Drunk driving is epidemic in Linn County. It's terrible out there at times. I remember seeing one report of a man who somehow turned his truck sideways on highway 20 because he was drunk. Another car slammed into him. She was drunk, too. The cops arrested both of them.

Why do people drive impaired? It's so damn selfish. Like nobody else matters at all.

I've had an ad running now for three days. I did get one call. It was a low income woman who already had two cats and a very hyperactive dog, that had driven one of the two cats out of the house already. Turns out I got the two cats she has fixed awhile back, for her. She didn't have $10 for an adoption fee. I said "no" as gently as possible, pointing out the dog would just drive a new cat out, too, and that getting another cat involves expense. She was a nice enough woman but seemed to be calling out of boredom and wanting to help me find homes for the cats. So I asked if she would like to volunteer. She said she would think about it.

That's the only call I've received so far.

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Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

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