Friday, March 13, 2009

Wits' End

The rural folks with 25 or so cats, did not take five more cats to the clinic yesterday. The woman called me late Wednesday evening. She was angry because her husband had been supposed to let me know earlier. She sounded very stressed out.

She's broke and misses her friends and it's a long commute to a very stressful long day at work. They moved to the country, between Albany and Lebanon and now don't see anybody they know anymore, even though they only moved a couple dozen miles from their old hood.

I can relate. Certainly.

They still have about seven or eight cats needing fixed, but they want to wait, citing financial issues. I told her, "Let's just get those females done, or you'll end up having more born." But I couldn't convince her. She was very stressed out.

I wanted to involve myself immediately, help her out, relieve the family's stress, and just go pick up the rest and get them fixed. I just don't like to hear such a stressed out person if I have a way of relieving just a small bit of the stress, like getting the rest of the cats fixed.

Anyhow, so I just took in the two yesterday, the black male from the Pink House colony and the tabby on white little teen from the Demolished House colony.

I left a message for the woman who is to take the four at her barn, but so far, no response. She's probably at work or something. I hope this doesn't fall through. All four are in my bathroom.

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