Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caught Another at Pink House

After being out a good share of the night, checking the Jefferson trap, I slept most of the morning away. After chores, I returned the two Pink House black boys. There, on her porch, were two of the unfixed males, a gray tabby who has been beat up badly lately, and the blue point Siamese. I told her I was going to try to catch one or the other. She really wanted her Blue Point male to get fixed. I had the drop trap in my car, but only one live trap to transfer a cat into.

But, just after I set it up, out she came and poured dry food all over the porch. Then she picked up the huge blue point by the scruff. I was sitting in my car wondering number one, why she would do that and number two, what she intended to do with him now and how badly she was going to be hurt.

I stepped out of my car and suggested she just put him down. She started to carry him towards my car. His back legs began swinging wildly and he hooked into her arm. She dropped him screaming curses, blood dripping.

She finally went inside. The black tame character boy, I'd just returned, was feeling his oats big time, and jumping atop the netting of the drop trap. He knocked it over once and almost did two other times.

Another unfixed cat had showed up, another black cat, and just as three of her renters, all illegals, or so their landlady says, who speak no English, showed up, I yanked the string and dropped the trap on the black cat. The three Mexicans glared at me. I tried to smile to break the ice but one of them especially was very hostile. Not much I could do, not speaking Spanish and who cares anyway.

I don't know why he was hostile. Maybe he'd had a bad day at work. Maybe he didn't know what I was doing with the cats. I asked the Pink House lady, since she speaks Spanish, to explain it to her renters, the whole spay/neuter thing going on, in case they didn't understand why I was catching the cats. But likely the guy had had a bad day or something else going on, making him surly.

I transferred him out to my one live trap and came home. I'd love to be done with that place. There are just the two males left that I know of, needing fixed.

I really wasn't supposed to take any in tomorrow, since five more are coming from the Lacomb Road colony, but I have two here who need done, the black and the tabby on white female, from the demolished house colony. When she is done, those four can move on to their barn home and out of my bathroom. And I do want my bathroom back. I am hoping this latest black is a male too.

From the Pink House colony fixed so far: 10 cats. Four all black, three of them males, one a female. A smoke female. Two brown tabby male kittens and one teen brown tabby male. Two Lynx Point Siamese females. And now, for number 11, we have another all black, the fifth.

Fixing all these cats there will certainly be beneficial not only to those cats but to that neighborhood.

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