Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cats Fixed Yesterday

Here's the calico teen, fixed yesterday and literally starving to death.
The young long hair black and white male, who turned out, shockingly enough, to be already neutered. I guess the daughter got him from someone giving away fixed kittens. Wasn't me.
Here's the sad adult calico, also starved, fixed yesterday.
Brown tabby tux female, fixed yesterday, who was abandoned on Scravel Hill. She showed up at someone's door starved to death and crying her heart out.
This is yet another teen, a female this time, from an Albany complex where finally a tenant has taken it upon himself to keep the cat population under control by trapping any free roamer and getting them fixed.
This is the huge black and white long hair male who has been coming into the garage of the people whose seven other cats I took in to be fixed on Wednesday. He was neutered yesterday. Another photo of him below.

The city councilman has moved on to try to persuade other private people who help cats by getting them fixed to solve the complaining man's cat issue. This councilman gave my number to a man with a cat problem in SW Albany, a very minor cat problem, after telling me the man just wanted help getting the cat fixed, when the man really wanted me to take the cat.

I was rightfully pissed when I learned I'd been deceived and told both the complainer that and the councilman, who merely moved on to other cat fixers, all private people without funding, trying to get them to take this cat. This only moves the problem and puts the expense on somebody else and shame on that councilman for trying to talk a bunch of volunteers into solving a citywide irresponsible asshole problem.


  1. Gosh, reading about your TNR struggles reminds me that we are not alone!
    My friend and I do TNR and have come across people that wont feed, wont fix, but yet, just have to have the cats back...It is sad and unfortunate how common these people are! :[

    Keep up the good work :)

  2. It's always a struggle, is it not? Generally, I find people feed them, then when they multiply to a certain point, want them gone, not fixed, just gone. They don't want to pay a dime, just want them gone. Its' very sad for the cats.

    There are a lot of fixers out there, but not enough. I feel that should be the primary mission of the big shelters and humane societies, rather than endless talk, committe type response, big salaries for directors, more talk and inaction, killing of healthy animals, more talk, never a solution. The only solution is offered by the little people, the cat fixers. Now that is a real solution.


Sun Coming

 Sun is supposed to come to us finally here in Oregon.   It's been pouring last few days, today included. At first, the weather stations...