Saturday, December 06, 2008

Tiny Tiki Tests Positive

Tiki, the little torti, is positive on Leukemia. I knew she would be. She would first have a swollen up belly, odd, then diarrhea. Her fur feels hollow, dry. She cries all the time. Her two sisters, from same litter, have disappeared.

The vet didn't want to euthanize her, I don't think, and yet I can't keep a Felk positive kitten here. They roll and wrestle with others, biting and licking them. She has runny poop and it could be spread that way, too, when others step in that poop in the litterbox and then groom.

The vet said I should cage her for two months and retest. She'll still be positive. And now, every single cat from that trailer colony must be tested. I've descended into financial and emotional hell. I was cursing Linn County when I heard she was positive, cursing the people here, wanting to leave, to run away again.

I took three kittens up to have tested, one from each of two litters at the trailer, at least I'm told there were two litters, but the old woman, before she died, didn't know who was a mother to who. Nobody seems to know whose mother is who there.

I trapped four adult females. I have two of them in hand. One, the muted calico, appeared later in the summer, long after the kittens were born. She won't be the carrier. The black tux female, likely candidate, but another neighbor said the torti kitten just appeared, and is not one from any of these mothers the old woman was feeding. She's also tame, while the others are skittish, which makes me think she was dumped separately, but one of the assholes in the area.

I also took up Tex, the black tux male kitten and he tested negative and Soda, one of two kittens from 34th street, dumped there, tested negative.

So I put Tex in the bathroom, since he is clear and Tiki is for now in a rabbit hutch, in the bedroom with the others from the trailer park, while Slurpy and Soda are running free in the house. I went to Coastal and bought 5 leukemia vaccinations, which cost me $50. I vaccinated Slurpy, Soda and Tex.

While I was at the vets with the three kittens I got tested, at $33 each, I had left a trap set at the trailer park, because there are still five kittens in the colony out there. One was caught, one of the female tabbies I already got fixed. She, the two adult females and the two tabby males here all must be tested. I wish they all could have been tested today. If any are negative, I'll seperate them and vaccinate them. The torti kitten's life will likely end on Monday. I want to both sob and slam my fist against the window just to even write those words.

Where will the money to do this come from? Well, I have some left on the gift card account. I don't know how much, but likely not enough to test everybody. This is why I am cursing tonight and angry, that I took this on, the responsibility of some asshole who didn't fix their cats then abandoned them. This is why tonight again I am fed up with this pseudo religious county and the conservative morals, which translate to zero real values prevalent here.

It didn't help that I ran into a woman there, at the vet's office, who had adopted two kittens from SafeHaven in early September, unfixed, and, she said, she was told by SafeHaven they should not be fixed until they are six months of age. She told me, "Can't they go into heat at four months?" "Yes," I said, "they sure can."

This further made me realize, that I am uselessly pummeling my head against a wall here. The biggest shelter in Linn county is not fixing kittens before adopting them out and thus contributing to the overpopulation problem. Not only this, they're handing out false information about spay/neuter to boot. Why should I bother?

And then along comes my big supporter, with a huge truckload of supplies for me---bags of dry cat food, boxes of wet cat food, cat litter and even towels and sheets for my bed (I had only one set of sheets).

It was unbelievable and the cat food will last me a long time. Melodie---THANK YOU! Her timing also was perfect, arriving just after I returned from the vet clinic with the bad news. Maybe it wasn't good timing for her, since I was downcast and full of hot anger, over the whole thing and sad and fed up. Having her arrive, (she's the woman who took the bottle babes home to foster, then kept all three), probably saved me. Thank you for that, too, Melodie.


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I just gave my monthly donation to POPPA of 22$(16+6 of my niece).
    I'm so sad about Tiny Tiki, I know certain people only adopt cats with that disease, if only you could find somebody... whish I could do something...
    What about vaccine? I heard a little about it but don't know if it's good enough.
    It made me cry, poor little cat.
    Good luck, really.

    Oh and what about shelters?I know they keep them.

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I read the rest you added to your post, I was wondering, can you open a paypal account? So that maybe we could help you with all the expenses.

    I might know somebody in Ohio who could take Tiny Tiki, I can contact her not before monday...maybe you can wait?
    I'll still try to contact her sunday anyway.

    I'll let you know if she can take her as soon as I know.

  3. Sure Sanaesasasa, if I could find someone to take her, that would be wonderful. My problem here is space. I only took these latest cats on, thinking, probably stupidly, I could adopt most out immediately, because they are kittens. I have no space, no room, no time, worn out.

  4. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I contacted different people I know, I'm waiting for answers...
    Do you know ? You might want to post something there.

  5. What an angel Melodie is :) are your other supporters :).

  6. Poor Tiki. Could the vet not keep her for the two months? Maybe they will know of another FeLv+ kitten, so Tiki could be kept together wit it, to avoid her going bonkers from isolation? Or is it crazy to expect help like that from the vet?

    Would it be worth making a call out for help with Tiki to the Cat Blogosphere if Sanaesasas'a friend is unable to help?

    Melodie, what an angel!

    A Paypal button would make it easier for us to help a little.

  7. No, the vet won't keep any cat there for two months, that's for sure. Most shelters would instantly euthanize a Felk positive kitten. I don't know of any who don't, in fact.

    As for paypal, e-mail me if you want to know why I don't have an account. I'll tell you.

  8. Claire, thank you so much for your donation to Poppa. I know you live in France, so that's amazing that someone in France would be helping mid valley Oregon cats. Truely amazing and wonderful.

  9. The Oregon Humane Society does not euthanize FIV or Felk positive cats, they have them in their "special needs" section. They do get adopted. I keep track of them on their webpage.

  10. Does anyone want to help me try to get in to Oregon Humane, or even Cat Adoption in Sherwood, who does have Felk positive cats? I believe, in observing Auntie Ann, the adult black tux female, that she is likely also positive. I found out the brown tabby tux mother, who is feral, is the mother of the black tux kitten, who is negative, the Siamese kitten and four of the tabby kittens. She's likely negative, but the black tux tame female, I don't know. She's my likely suspect.

    My car is going into the shop this week and I don't know exactly what is wrong with it. I have zero volunteers. Can anyone help out?

  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    My friend in Ohio can't she has a new cat and can't have a positive, I'm still searching...
    I'll try to search for somebody to help you go to those shelters too. I might have find another place in Salem : it's closer than the other 2 so maybe you could take public transportation(trans-city bus...) if you don't find anybody to help you get there.

  12. Someone in Ohio contacted me yesterday off craigslist, but the exchange was bizarre. Couldn't have been your friend. The name given "Stone Kingston", and they wanted to send a cashiers check and have a pet transport group pick up the cat here, but he or she never specified what cat and refused to call. I believe it was a scam, and the cat would have been killed or dumped, and I don't know how it works. That wasn't your friend, though, was it? If they were French, and couldn't speak English well, that would explain the poor spelling and grammar.

    I believe the Humane Society of the Willamette Valley is extremely high kill, unless they've changed.

  13. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Couldn't be my friend, for sure. I didn't know about the shelter, I'll check that.

  14. I've left messages at both Cat Adoption and Oregon Humane about the situation and I hope to get a response. I know both are overwhelmed with unwanted cats from their areas, too. It's so bad out there for the cats.

  15. Anonymous11:56 AM

    There's a shelter in Washington that takes only Felv cats :

    they talk about a place in Portland, Oregon called "Pet Pride Cats of Oregon" , I couldn't find anything online about it... And they talk about how FeLV positives cats can become negatives, other places talks about that too, I didn't know.

  16. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I called the Willamette Humane Society and no, they're not no kill

  17. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Jody - my two little cases of wet cat food feel like small potatoes to the truckload of food but i'm sooo glad she brought that to you - i was worried because i knew 48 cans of cat food would only last your cats two days at best - i was going to try to send another case later this month - like, next paycheck which is right before Christmas....I wish i could send you an adopter or fosterer for like tiki - all kittens deserve a chance - a somebody - a someplace - I know you've seen sweetvegans vids on utube - when she rescued a kitten who needed an eye removed - she paid for the surgery but then solicted donations via utube and ebay - have you ever tried anything like that on ebay? i have no idea how it works, but perhaps you could message her and see how she did it. She actually raised enough money to cover the cost.

  18. Jeanne, I love you and thank you so much for what you send each month, that cat food, clear from the east coast. It is amazing and wonderful and I've never met you, but I love you and your family. THANk YOu Thank you.


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