Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Defeat. Dead Siamese on I5

I saw a dead Siamese on I5 this afternoon. The cat was not there this morning when I headed to Jefferson with 6 cats to be fixed, including the black female from the rest area.

I tried to get the body off the road, pulled in beside it, off the road, but the stream of cars and trucks was frightening and I had trouble even getting back on highway with the car. A police officer had pulled in behind me. He told me to come back in the night. By then, positive identification will be almost impossible. But it was a Siamese, looked Lynx Point, less than a quarter mile from the rest area.

I imagine it is her. She was lost in a very stupid move by her owner on the 23rd. She lived one week. This was not a pleasant last week of life for her. She was desperately scared, confused, alone and hungry. I was out there, for her, because I hate the thought of what she was going through. I knew exactly what she was going through, because I've been through it.

Right now, I just want to cry.

The lives of two cats, this black female and that little kitten, were, however, saved because of Sophie. Rest in Peace, Sophie. Two cats will live because of you.

In the big wide world out there, much sorrow and suffering goes on, most of it brought on by people with issues. The Gaza strip is being blasted to hell, but then Hamas has let their own people down, by ending the ceasefire by firing rockets into Israel. Will this conflict never end? I would think people with brains and hearts could figure out how to stop killing one another instead of investing brains and big bucks in bigger and better methods to kill one another.

So the Israelis rammed a boat filled with doctors and medical supplies headed for Gaza. They rammed it three times. In my mind, when I heard this, overwhelmed from lack of sleep, I thought, would it not be wonderful if we were all out there, in boats, fleets upon fleets of boats, taking in food and medicine and love right through all the warships and rocket fire, from the angry men on both sides. We don't need to be killing each other. We need to just stop it.


  1. God bless you for trying for Sophie, and may she rest in peace over the bridge.

  2. It's why I couldn't trap her, or find her. She'd crossed on I5 to the other side of the river. I wondered about why she seemed to have vanished and began searching north of the rest area, not south, since the river was there. I never thought she trot across the I5 bridge, although she was crossing I5.

  3. I share your pain, Jodi, for the horrible things happening in the world. The situation in Palestine has been so sad for so many years now. In every other country I have lived in EXCEPT the US, people talk about how the US uses a different standard when it comes to the atrocities of Israel and sends them US taxpayer money of some millions of dollars every week. I forget what the amounts are, but it goes into billions of US taxpayer money a year. All this to allow another country to do things that just create more people who hate the US!

  4. i guess when it comes to pets, esp. siamese, one needs to think outside the loop - the usual mindset of a feral cat doesn't apply to these pets. poor poor baby. i hope now she knows little Feather and the black female are safe and not hungry now, thanks to her....


Back to 7-11

 I already have 3 cats here, waiting for placement from 7-11, with Silverton Cat Rescue barn cat program. The two girls--Eleven and Petunia,...