Yahoo! Woopee! Doing the "reduced numbers here" dance! Doing the "Adopted out a Kitten Today" jig. Have my happy face on!
This afternoon, Robinhood, the previously eartipped male, from the Waverly duplex, and the pneumonia kitten are headed to the vet, to be checked out, and tested.
I only picked up the ten year old female this morning from the canal district. She was supposed to have the biggest teen male ready, too, but she said she couldn't find him this morning.
She said they had a ruckus in the night, woke up with the dogs barking their heads off and the sounds of someone digging in the alley behind their place. "Digging?" I queried, "as in digging like a grave?"
"Well, we don't know why they were digging out back, at that hour," the woman said without emotion, like she wasn't interested really, or like it was a fairly normal happenstance or like she'd just given up on everything and could no longer react to anything.
She said her sons went out with a flashlight but when they shined it on the person or people digging, they shined a flashlight right back at them, so they went back inside immediately.
"Have you been out to check it out this morning?" I asked, because now I'm wanting to go look, out of curiosity. "No," we haven't. They won't look either.
But I can hardly stand it, wondering what they were digging out in the alley last night. That alley kind of ends, halfway between the two streets and gives way to just dirt and some brush, and junk, the rest of the way down the block. So you have to wonder, why they'd be digging at 4:30 in the morning at the end of an alley.
At least I wonder. But maybe I don't want to know.
I took five cats up this morning to be fixed. All are from Albany. Four are females. Four are from another trailer park.

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