I was happy to find out yesterday Robinhood and Sammy, the pneumonia kitten, are negative on FIV/Felk. Donations from June and Diane helped get these kitties tested. Robinhood also got his rabies vaccination. So he is totally ready for a home.
Sammy is also on additional antibiotics for her illness which is waning rapidly.
I am trying to recuperate from inflammation of my spinal cord, neck, head, shoulders, face--nerves aflame, on fire. Even my calves. I don't know what is up. It didn't help last night the cats would crawl all over me, waking me up just after I'd just get to sleep again, over and over. This is why I'm always totally exhausted. I never get a good nights rest. This is why sometimes I resort to sleeping in my car in rest areas.
I rarely take anything for pain or anything else, but this morning, I took an Aleve. I usually pack myself in ice for spinal cord pain.
I know I need a vacation, to get away totally, but that's tough to do when I have nobody to take care of my cats and no money to go anywhere. But the toll on my body has been massive this year especially, from stress, overwork and lack of sleep. There is no answer for me. One day I'll just die here.
I would love to soak in a jaquzzi off and on, for like three days. Have access to a jaquzzi for that long. Sounds like it would feel dreamily wonderful on my broken up hurting body. I've been in a jaquzzi only a handful of times in my life, maybe three times, so maybe I'm only remembering that it would feel better than it really might feel.
But, in pain this morning, still in PJ's, which are ragged, to say the least, someone knocks on my door. I call through the door "Who is it?" Because I don't get visitors, unless I have a pre-arranged kitten adoption.
It's a church lady. "I'm going through the neighborhood talking to people about reading the Bible more," she says, through the door. I peak through the window and see what looks like a Cadilac parked by the curb. A church lady in a Cadilac. Boy howdy.
"I don't open the door to solicitors," I said, firmly, through the door still.
She started to respond, probably to say that she wasn't a solicitor, then must have thought better of it and quit, mid sentence. She is a solicitor, selling her brand of religion. From a Cadilac!
There's lots of that around here. Door to door selling this or that, peddling everything from bogus miracle windows to re-roofing scams to religious door to door zealot salesmen and women, just seems nonstop sometimes. I need to get a sign, a scarey one, "NO Solicitors of Any Kind! Violators Will Be Violated!" Something like that.
I am trying to find a new barn home option for Atom and Last Kitten Standing. The one fell through I had counted on. The woman must still be sick. She'd said she'd be ready for them and at the barn all weekend, but, turned out, she got sick. I still haven't heard back from her, so I'd guess she's still sick. She's a woman who works extremely hard day in and day out.
They are extremely weary of bathroom life and I am weary of not having much access to my bathroom with them, and the Starvation Kids, in it. With them in there, I don't have much chance to handle and tame the Starvation Kids, also without options.
I am a Cat Woman. My self-appointed mission in life is to save the feline world! To accomplish this mission, I get cats fixed. Perhaps my mission might be slightly delusional. This blog is a mishmash of wishful thinking, rants, experiences as I remember them and of course, cat stories and cat photos. I have a nonprofit now, to help keep the cats here cared for and to fix community cats. Happy Cat Club formed in 2015. Currently, we are on a mission to fix 10,000 cats.
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