Monday, July 28, 2008

Blueberry will Join Her Mother

Betty, Wrecking yard mom, in containment at her new home.
Betty in the background while one of the four girls, fixed Friday, who live at that location, bottle fed since tiny, noses into the photo in the foreground.
Another of the four girls fixed Friday, who now share their space with Wrecking yard mom, Betty.
Another of the girls fixed Friday. All four kittens, born to the deceased stray, were girls.
And another of the four female kittens, fixed last Friday, who now share the containment cage with Wrecking Yard BEtty, in hope they'll bond. They will get some help today, when Blueberry, Wrecking Yard Betty's own girl, will join the mix. Blueberry was also fixed last Friday.

Since Betty is having a hard time adjusting at her new place, not bonding with the kittens, who have known only a human mother, the farmer's wife, who bottle fed them, Blueberry is going to go join her there. The farmer's wife said, "What's one more?" I said "I love you guys."

It's a great place for the cats. This will make mom feel better. Blueberry will bond with the four other girl kittens, which will help them bond with mom. And besides, I am not getting any calls from people wanting to adopt kittens. I have six here, ready to go. So Blueberry leaving to be with mom is just fine, for her, for her mother, and for me.

I had an offer of five free fixes in Eugene Wednesday and already have six kittens ready to fill the five spots. Maybe I can squish two into one, or maybe two will look enough alike, so that when questioned about bringing six, I can bop myself on the forehead and say, "Oh my god, I thought I just had five. They all look alike, you know."

I have three lined up also for Wednesday at Countryside and maybe four, if the rural Linn lady catches her stray this time around, which I hope they do. I hear from them the three Shedd boys are doing fine there. Their sister Sashi Silver, is still here, having a grand old time, but irritating all the older cats. They've been pissed off since I let Wily and Cajun out of the bathroom and Rocket, Pokey, Sashi and Blueberry out of the bedroom.

I thought they'd be happy to get their treasured spaces back, but their happiness is mixed with digust that they must share their air with exuberant kittens. Electra, whose tail twitches constantly, is an unfortunate target. The kittens cannot resist that tail of hers. I try to bury her moving tail beneath the covers, so they won't attack it at night, but they still see it move and leap for it. It's something a kitten could never resist, like candy on the counter for a kid.

So Electra, who doesn't mind kittens really, despite being an old lady, gets slightly irritible. But, contrary to her age, days, she is fascinated by their antics and cuts loose all of a sudden to charge around playing with them. Miss Daisy is the bitch of late, very angry about the kittens and this is not like her.

I still hope her mood change is due to hairballs and not something worse, but I got a whiff of her breath last night and it was foul. This can be a bad tooth, or stomach problems or other issues. I hope to get her into the vet tomorrow.

Below are grass seed harvest photos I took when returning the kittens once fixed to their rural Linn home.Just burned fields in rural Linn. Field burning is very controversial in the valley, due to the health problems it causes some residents. Others claim if crops were rotated, instead of grown in monoculture, exclusively for grass seed, burning fields would not be necessary because the soil would be far healthier. Farmers argue burning the stubble left after seed harvest is the most economical efficient way to kill off insects and molds etc.

Field burning was halted during the Olympic trials in Eugene, as a health hazard to athletes, who complained anyhow, about the severe allergins in mid valley air. It is true. Growing grass seed in this valley produces astronomical amounts of pollen in levels that drive many running from the area. But to protect the health of athletes and ignore the health of born and raised Oregonians, this riled many people. Field burning continues, fouling the summer air, but it also continues to be a hot topic of debate.

After the winrowers and columbines go through the fields, what is left? Devastation--dead and maimed animals and birds by the score! Here vultures pick at remains.

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