Saturday, June 28, 2008

Kid in my Yard

I came home last night late, to find a kid in my backyard. When I asked him what he was up to, he said he was looking at something, then he took off. I'm not sure which house he comes from.

A few months ago I saw a Hispanic woman running up the street, two or three kids in tow. She came into my backyard and I asked what was up. She didn't speak much English but one of her girls did and told me they'd been watching their cousins dog, a miniature doberman chihuahua mix, and he'd run off.

About that time the dog shot out of another neighbor's yard and took off further down the street. I followed them after him. He ran under a chain link fence into where a neighbors big boxer resided. I figured the boxer would swallow that little dog whole.

But, seems love was in the air. The boxer seemed to be an in heat female. That little tiny nondescript male wanted her. And she wanted him. We tried to call the little dog out. He was small enough that he could get under the fence. But when the little kids would try to coax him out, the boxer would try to dig out from under the fence, growling so fiercely at the kids they would scream in fright.

The mother was trying to get a response at the door of the boxer owners, but no one seemed to be home. So I came home and got a can of wet cat food. When I cracked that open outside the fence, boy, that boxer wanted through that fence to get that food too, but the little dog came charging under the fence to get the food and the boy grabbed him.

I think it might have been the same little boy who was in my backyard last night. I'm not sure because the other incident was several months ago.

Anyhow, the woman wanted to know where she could get her cousin's dog fixed, after witnessing the reason why he was running off. We were able to communicate with bits of English words she knew and some Spanish words I knew and hand motions. So I gave her the number for Countryside, since they are the cheapest vet I know, even for dogs.

He was a very polite little boy so I don't think he was up to anything bad in my yard last night. I could be wrong. Kids fool me all the time.

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