Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Five Cats Fixed Today

Five cats were fixed today. All were Albany cats--4 females and one male. Two of the females are owned by the daughter of the Elm Street cats situation, only she doesn't live on Elm street. The male is another from the Elm street felines. And then two other females come from an apartment complex. They, along with another female, were all abandoned when someone moved out and all had litters of kittens, when an older woman took them all in, hoping to find them homes. This was a KATA referral. I did take a look at the eleven kittens. All have URI's that the woman is attempting to treat. All are spay/neuter age, but first must get over their URI's. The third mother cat from there will be fixed tomorrow.

Spits, Hissy and Scrappy returned to SafeHaven today. I will miss those little buggers.

I also stopped by Farley Felines again. Seems they have turned gung ho spay/neuter. They found the kittens of one of the females fixed last week and have them inside and were asking how old they have to be before they can be fixed. They donated again to the fixes of the last two adults, whom I caught in one fell swoop with the drop trap. I was there less than twenty minutes. I felt really good about catching those two. Really good.

The other thing that made me just really happy is that a relative of theirs actually found a calico kitten who had been dumped along the road and climbed a tree. Do you know who that kitten likely was? The kitten dumped by the mean old couple from Albany, that's who, that drove me nuts afterwards, after they told me they dumped it out along a country road somewhere out near the Target warehouse. I spent two weeks driving those roads, even though they'd dumped the kitten a month or more before that. I just couldn't stand the thought. And now, I know "the rest of the story" of what happened to her in the end. Turns a person into a believer in people!

At least five more were fixed today and I already have three in hand for tomorrow.
Elm Street brn tabby male, neutered today, the seventh I've taken in from this situation to be fixed. Neighbors have taken in a half dozen others.
One of two black females, abandoned near Main street in Albany, spayed today.
The second black abandoned female, spayed today. Between these two females and a third, also abandoned, there are eleven kittens needing fixed and homes.
This female and the one below, belong to the mother of the little girl helping me trap on Elm street. Now both of these are fixed, also thanks to that little girl, who told her mother they should be fixed and to call me.

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