Friday, June 27, 2008

Five Cats Being Fixed Today

I took five cats up this morning to be fixed. Two are mothers of kittens fixed yesterday, located by calling free kitten ads. The other three are Albany cats, offspring off a mother fixed a couple of weeks ago, although they are older offspring, four to five months of age. Four females, one male. Another week over.

KATA called about a woman needing help retrapping an injured older fixed feral female. She's been bitten on the throat by something, has been bleeding, slowing down. I gave her trapping tips, for mechanical selective trapping and if that doesn't work out, I'll go out and try drop trapping her.

This always sparks, not only my sympathy for the cat and caregiver, but also my curiosity about what predator inflicted such an injury. Rarely does a cat get away from a bobcat or coyote, but they often get away from a fox. Cats fall prey also to possums and raccoons. Not only are these ground predators a threat, but also are predators from the air, like eagles, hawks and owls. The most common predator/killer of the outside cat is the domestic dog, however, if we are talking other animal. Humans take the worst toll on cats. For example shelters, kill thousands upon thousands of cats. The auto also could be listed as one of the most deadly of all predators, not only to cats, but to many many living things, including birds and amphibians not to mention humans.

This woman is way outside Lebanon, however, and, due to exhaustion and gas prices, I am hoping very much she can catch this kitty herself. She plans to get the cat immediately to the vet and is very upset about the cats' injury. Sounds like a real nice woman.

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