Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Seven More Cats and the Tinkerbell Comment

Yesterday, I trapped some cats from a KATA referral, down in Shedd--the Poohcow colony, I have named it. The man did not donate, which was extremely disappointing to me. He also wants me to take all the kittens from two mothers, apparently without contributing a dime.

I told Vicki of KATA, who referred me, I can't take on four more kittens. I don't have that kind of money or any way to adopt them out for sure. And I can't afford to end up with more cats here. You have to vaccinate them immediately, test at least one, which costs $30 minimum, usually with an office visit added on, worm and deflea them, then feed them and tame them. Costs lots. To ask a stranger to take on costs like that, without a contribution, is being an asshole.

Last night, I couldn't go to sleep for awhile, thinking about "the nerve" of these people, who feed strays, then do not donate a dime to help get them fixed and complain to high heaven that there are kittens and want them gone, too. My frustration with people who contribute nothing is high today.

I trapped four of the seven cats he feeds, including one of the mothers. He left a message later, that irked me royal, stating he had put the kittens, who are five weeks old, in a cage on the porch, implying "come get them". I try not to stew over people like that, but it's hard not to and to know those kittens fate isn't good if I don't take them, but what the fuck, you know. Aren't there any honest people out there anymore, in Linn County that is?

Do people not understand the costs they are asking others to take on? Do they think there is some magic money out there, that magically pays for it all, just materializing in the bank accounts and wallets of those trying hard to solve this issue?

Yesterday, I had the BS caregivers take one of their sick males to Countryside, to be looked at and perhaps euthanized at the expense of others. He'd been sick so long, and then had bloody snot coming out his nose when I stopped by there on Saturday. I couldn't believe these people just let them suffer like that. This county sucks. They'd tried to shoot him last week, but missed and he ran off, then came back.

I trapped two more of the FarleyFelines, too, and have maybe three more to catch there. They had some young man come in and offer to shoot the cats because he likes shooting cats. He shot four or five, sitting in the trailer at an open window. I drove back to that colony, on a whim, or maybe the cats were calling me to save them, because the wife then put an end to the shooting since I drove up their driveway offering again to help get them fixed. She contributes when can to the cost of their fixing. I like her and her kids. She's a good person. I think the young man who was shooting before, is now going to help me find the kittens of the two mothers who were fixed last Friday.

Update: I went out after dropping off seven cats at the vet to be fixed, including four from the Poohcow Colony, two from FarleyFelines Colony and one more female from Heatherdale, to the BS. I had them put the sick male in a carrier. He also has ringworm. They were very disappointed the vet didn't euthanize him yesterday, said, with a laugh "We already had dug a hole." I wanted to punch them this time. I'm just worn out and fed up, I suppose.

Then they told me a black cat had kittens, and were trying to blame anybody but themselves for not watching or keeping track and I wanted to punch them again.

Then the husband made a joke about somebody he saw while at the vet clinic, claiming he is a "Tinkerbell", in other words, gay. I was in no mood for hearing shit talk off people who have caused me so much pain and suffering. And costs, to volunteers they don't even know, in Portland, working their butts off to raise money to fix the cats they never fixed. Some of those volunteers have included, gulp, "Tinkerbells".

So I turned on this man and I told him, "I am not prejudiced, except, except towards assholes who don't fix their pets and expect other people, good hearted volunteers, to not only pay for their cats to be fixed, but to also spend hours upon hours upon days and weeks and months, rounding them all up and transporting them to be fixed."

I walked out.


  1. People can be so insufferable!

    It looks like you even might have converted -- just a wee bit perhaps? -- the young man who liked shooting cats.

  2. I don't know if I did or not. I think he's an ok kid, but desperately needs some sort of outlet. I say kid, when he's over 20. To me that's a kid now. I try not to judge people, but then I end up angry, but more so with the demanding people who contribute nothing. This family didn't know how to fix the cats and shooting was the only option they could figure and now that they have a different option, the shooting ended. At least, they are self-sufficient, in that, though it broke the woman's heart, they weren't going to let it go on, if they had no other way. They realize they began the problem, by allowing a house cat to have litter after litter and let them all go wild.

    The Shedd man also described allowing their two females to have several litters before getting them fixed. He is different in that he seems to feel no obligation to contribute to the effort of getting the cats fixed. There are seven adults, four of them up being fixed today and two litters of kittens, although he hasn't found one litter. She moved them. He claims his girlfriend will donate. Well, that's great if she does, but I've not met her and people say all sorts of things that never happen. And why should she donate. He should.

  3. I can't handle people like that. I think there is more sense in shooting those types of people and letting the harmless cats alone. I just don't understand how people can have such a lack of compassion for sentient beings. It honestly blows my mind.

  4. It's pretty sad, all right. It's also hard to take, day in and day out. I get really post traumaticed sometimes, want to yell at people. It is hard to take, I tell you. Not a fluffy volunteer job, except when you get to nap with kittens. Then it is fluffy.

    It is amazing to see the lack of empathy out there. To me it is a big time societal symptom worldwide, perhaps THE test, if one believes in a god, or should be, of how one behaves towards the beings we consider lesser. After all, if there is a god, he or she would consider us lesser beings. So, it follows that godlike behavior is compassion and empathy towards "lesser" beings and that is why I call it THE test.

    I run into tons of Christians out there, very verbal vocal Christians, eager to point out the flaws in my morality or in societies. And yet many Christians are the worst at personal responsibility and cruelty towards animals you'd ever meet. Really really pathetic. I ran a couple of Mormons off my lawn again two day ago, told them I don't want religion pushers in my neighborhood. This is the fourth time Mormons have tried to preach at me, from my doorstep. It is arrogant and very very rude. If someone is truely religious they don't go around promoting and pushing their religion. They do good things for others and the earth without allowing the left hand to know what the right is doing. Hey, I was raised in a cultish little hypocritical church. I know what the bible says and I don't see much practise of Biblical principles out there. I do see a lot of chest puffing and self-righteous hypocritical crapola. I only mention the religious thing because some of the people in above post are EXTREME religiosos.

    I did say, "do you think Jesus would be out here shooting strays" and "Can you picture Jesus with a rifle slung over his shoulder boasting about killing innocent creatures for fun."

  5. You're right, Strayer. Sadly, a lot of religious types use 'religion' as an excuse for inexcusable behaviour. "Real religion" would involve, as you say, trying to help other creatures, especially the helpless and the 'meek' and the suffering.

    Your argument about "would Jesus do this...??) is a good one -- especially since it is an argument at least some of those thoughtless+not very bright people would understand.


Some Appointments

 I had some spay neuter appointments today.   I loaned traps to the large Lebanon colony lady.  We've gotten quite a few fixed already t...