Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kitten Update Photos

The three polydactyls (former to be Coos County snake food) here still are: Buffers, Thumbs and River, the only girl. Buffers is a very active little boy who sometimes irritates the older cats. This morning, he and Miss Daisy got into a brief tiff, when he tackled her face. Two photos of the face off below.

This is River, the girl kitten of the three polys still here, a delight, fun, vicious wrestler and wild player.
The wrecking yard kittens and their mother also are doing just fine. Here is the little black tux kitten of the crowd.
And here is mom with one of her two gray tabby on white kittens. She often leaves the rabbit hutch now for hours, watching out the window in the spare bedroom, or playing with the older kittens, the polys and the Three Amigos wild bunch, who are no longer wild.

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