The above photos were taken by someone just behind me in line. They even held my spot in line for me, when I had to return to my car to leave my water bottle and almost everything else inside it, because of security inside the building. I had not even guessed they would allow cameras inside. Dumb of me. So, I also asked these folks if they would e-mail me some of the photos they took and so they did this morning. The photos were taken by someone named Don. I didn't catch a last name. In the photo of the people in line, I'm the one sitting on the ground.
I went to hear Obama yesterday. Long long line and wait. I finally sat on the sidewalk, back against the black metal post fence, to read a book, but instead, dozed off. I was in line a couple of hours before we were let into the building. Then it was another hour and a half inside, before the show began. Again, I passed the time dozing off. Hey, I was tired out.
I was worn out because I hadn't got much if any sleep the night before. The cats had been tiffing half the night. Comet is going after Gretal. And my knee and my tooth have been killing me. The good thing is MONDAY MY TOOTH WILL BE GONE! It's been a long long long wait, months I've been waiting, and now finally, Monday is the day. Yahoo!
I didn't hear anything I didn't expect to hear yesterday afternoon. Obama looked tired out, too. Bet he wished he could have dozed off somewhere unnoticed. The crowd was energized. I tried at the end to get up close to shake his hand, but I didn't get close enough. I stood on plastic chairs to try to see him.
A GT reporter had asked for questions he might ask Obama in the five minutes he was going to get with him alone. He didn't ask the question I submitted, but to my shock, someone else there did, in the question and answer period, a college student I think. Maybe he had thought of the same question.
Then I came home and the woman who had graciously agreed to go get the seven cats up being fixed, so I could see Obama, arrived shortly after I got home, with the seven cats. I called the Harrisburg folks who said they'd head right up for their two, a black female and an old gray male. Before they arrived, I ran the five, from Albany, back to their home. After the Harrisburg man took his, I ran antibiotics all the way out to Millersburg Country.
One of the cats done at the FCCO clinic has a bulge at suture site. I'd photographed the reaction and sent it off the to the FCCO who said it looked like suture reaction and they'd pay, up to a point, for the cats vet care. Then, turns out, a second cat I'd taken in, another Millersburg stray, has had the same reaction. I wonder if they used a different suture or something on the van.
The Redmond folks who had this orange tabby kitten on hold for so long, did not call yesterday as a neighbor, with e-mail, claimed they would, prior to coming over to get her finally today. She is no longer on hold for them.
So in total from Monday to yesterday, I took in 19 cats this week alone. If you include last Sunday, the FCCO clinic, the number would rise to 28 cats in one week.
My friend Tamara, who used to live in Albany and now lives down in North Bend, is bringing 19 cats, YES 19, up to be fixed from that area, to this area, on Monday. There are zero low cost spay/neuter options down there, and people have zero ways to get their pets fixed if they can't afford over a hundred bucks just for a male's neuter. Let's face it. Most people can't these days.
So Tamara is stepping in, to try to help, by getting them to affordable vets, like Countryside and FCCO clinics, when she can, clear from North Bend.
I fell asleep on my couch last night, just woke up about 7:30 a.m., stiff and sore.
First, I'd like to tell you that you are doing fabulous work by protecting and helping my feline species. Keep up the good work! My human is also an Obama supporter, even though Obama plans to get a dog. I’d also like to tell you that I’ve written a scathingly funny book, The World Is Your Litter Box, which is in bookstores now and is also available on Amazon. The book is cleverly disguised as a cute cat book so humans will buy it, but is, in fact, a how-to manual FOR cats. Check it out on my website, www.theworldisyourlitterbox.com.