I still have one of the four kittens here, Tashi, a gorgeous little girl. Allegedly a central Oregon couple will come for her this weekend. Her brother was adopted by the vets. The other two girls whereabouts are unknown to me, since the Lacomb fosterer lost one of them, when the mother, whom they had adopted, grabbed one of the female kittens and ran for the berry vines, when several doors were left open, one to the foster room and one to the outside, only two days after they adopted the mother. They had been fostering all four kittens.
I had gone up to help look and got yelled at. I tried then to take the three kittens remaining and they said they were keeping the one still "in custody". It was an unfortunate turn of events. I just hope they have found the lost kitten and the mother and that they get both kittens fixed.
Tashi, however, is still here and just delightful and fun.
Stinod, the one-eyed girl, is here, too, loving indoor life. I had not heard from the caretaker of the colony for ten days. In fact, it was the first time he called late last week. He claimed to want her back. I told him she wouldn't survive there, with only one eye and partial vision in another, living under and around the house and in a field harvested for grass seed.
He hadn't noticed her dire condition either, for the six months she lived with that injury. And the real kicker to him wanting her back, is this. His first contact with me was by e-mail. He wanted all the cats gone that lived on his porch.
He has promises over and over "to return the blessing" he received with all the free labor and fixes he got, by helping me out in various ways. He has done none of the things he promised. I don't want Stinod to go back there, living under a house, eating old cat food from a broken open cat food bag on the porch. She has had close to $300 worth of medical treatment. The caretaker has not contributed even one dime. It's very difficult sometimes. If she goes back, she will die. He likely would not notice.
Anyhow, she has recovered well.
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