Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dangerous OR DHS

Today's GT editorial states Oregon is working on putting all Medicaid patient info online. How nice. It will immediately be hacked, sold, passed around. The DHS is not capable of producing a hacker free database or one that will not be exploited internally, by medical facilities who will have access, employees of medical facilities or employess of the DHS itself. It is claimed this will make Medicaid patients healthier. Might I ask how?

The claim is if a patient ends up incompetent by medical injury in an emergency room far away, doctors there can access their records online. If a patient is in emergency, doctors won't have time to read through volumes of records. And, has anyone thought of this? Medicaid patients are poor and don't really travel much as a result. The liklihood of an OR medicaid patient ending up in an ER far far away from Oregon is really really low.

Also, many Medicaid patients don't have internet access. The claim has been that patients could review/obsess over their records online at home. Reality check. Many maybe most medicaid recipients do not have online access.

The DHS has inadvertantly released medicaid records before, with names attached. They claimed it to be just a mistake, an embarrassing mistake for some, the clients, who had no clue their personal case histories, with their names, were being used in employee training manuels that were, inadvertantly, placed online for all to see.

The DHS is the same agency who oversees the mental health system in which I suffered so much abuse by DHS paid facilities, including Oregon State Hospital. Do I trust them? Um---NO!!!!!


  1. looks like hillary and barack might be headed out there for the primary. i wonder how they'll pander to the loggers

  2. Both have already been here. Hillary was here, Chelsea's been here, Bill Clinton was right here in Albany. I drove by the Albany Fairgrounds, where he was speaking, when checking on a colony I've been trapping. Long line up of people waiting to hear him. I'm not a Bill fan, to be honest. He can't keep his pants zipped, needs neutered badly.
    Obama was here, too, speaking in Eugene the day of a Neuterscooter clinic there. I wanted to hear him, but the clinic got out way late, no chance with such huge crowds waiting. I guess Obama stopped briefly in Corvallis, the same day he spoke in Eugene, for lunch. I missed all the action. It was a very long day at the Neuterscooter clinic in Eugene. But, we got lots of cats fixed which was far more important than hearing a politician speak, I suppose.
    So they'll be here again. Woohoo. I must admit I would like to gawk, just curiosity I guess, see the feeding frenzy, but I"ve never had fan mentality, never got worked up at any sports event, unless I contrived it, never got into being a rock group or singer groupee, like so many teen girls became. Sometimes people call this a big fault of mine. Oh well, just don't have that fan mentality. I can certainly get excited and enjoy an event, good band or a speaker, however, with enthusiasm.

  3. i think it would be cool to see live too. just to hear him live and watch the fans would be a great day. i hope you get a chance to hear them somewhere :)

  4. Not sure where they are speaking yet. Hillary Clinton is expected here tomorrow and Friday I think and Obama Friday and Saturday.


Quartzville Road Scenic Byway

  If you wonder why I don't mind going up Quartzville road, here's a link to its Scenic Byway and Wild and Scenic River designation....