Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Photos of Tuesday's Fixes

Today, six more cats were fixed. Two more from Spicer Red--a Buff on white male and a calico female, who was pregnant. And four from Tattoo Prairie: an all black short hair female, a medium hair black male, a short hair black male and a brown tabby male.Calico from Spicer Red.
Buff on white male, from Spicer Red.
Tame black female, from Tattoo Prairie.
Brown tabby male, from Tattoo Prairie.
Short hair black tame male, from Tattoo Prairie.

Not shown, medium hair black male, wild, from Tattoo Prairie.


  1. the pictures looks great!
    good job getting those guys fixed!

    that's awesome news about snowman(sampson)

    that sucks about the tooth. i can relate so well. it's good you are being careful about it before going in. good dental care is hard even with "real" insurance. you still pay and arm and a leg and the work is so-so also. tricky on both sides.
    i went through 6 dentist in B-ham in a 3 year period.

  2. Have you had a root canal? I'm torn over whether to have one or get the tooth pulled, since I won't be getting a crown on it. But it's a molar, and I think it's the one that has had multiple fillings, at one point years ago, so there really isn't that much left of the tooth I don't think. I think this would likely increase the chance of it breaking, once dead. So I don't know what to do.

  3. Six dentists in three years? I suppose it is hard to find a good one. I know so many people in major debt due to dental work. One woman went in over $15,000 for mouth work, with a low pay job to boot, to pay off that debt. She didn't have any dental insurance and put the work on a credit card. But when you've got bad teeth, you're over a barrel. My credit card is now paid off except for about $100, but I wouldn't have any hope of paying off a crown. They cost a thousand dollars or more, beyond the root canal, which might be covered or partially covered, not sure yet. But a crown isn't covered, as far as what I understand, at all. I'm leaning towards extraction.

  4. you'll have to have a crown if you do a root canal. i've had about 8 at about 1000-1200 each out of pocket. if you get an infection under the gums though it's not going to be good and can spread to your ears.
    i had to do bankruptcy about 5 years ago b/c of my dental work too.. and i'm still having major work done now. it's all my genes too which makes it the worst. my dentist now down here is great. i've had him the whole time i've been here too. he's egyptian so i feel a little cultured too. :)
    b-ham was so bad for dentist. they do such bad work. now i'm fixing all the crap i did there. go figure.

  5. Oh yikes. What horror stories. I might already have an infection under the gums? Is that why my ear hurts all the time? Is that why I am sometimes dizzy I wonder? Bad bad bad. She had said a couple months ago my gum was blue back there, but thought it was infected/inflamed from something stuck under my gums at that time.

    You went bankrupt over dental bills? You could be on 60 Minutes or something, with that story. Unfortunately it is a very common story. Are you going to try to be on Big Brother? Have you applied yet? If you won, you could pay off your dentist!


End of Warmth

 We had some nice days.   But the heat is gone. We'll be in the 60's again for awhile, with perhaps some drizzle. I love the heat.  ...